[center][b]Gar'Tai[/b][/center] Gar'Tai looked upon the hangar's activity with intrigue, helping wordlessly whenever someone motioned for assistance. Many did their best to stay away from the crystal-like being. His rather commanding presence and stoic demeanor discouraged many from the very idea of small talk. Gar'Tai enjoyed that. He saw small talk as pointless, a waste of concentration on meaningless displays of faux-intrigue. There were a variety of more interesting events most likely going on in areas far away from him, it was a shame he had to be tasked with helping in the manual labor, however he did not take issue with what he was told to do. He took this opportunity to observe the other members of the crew when he had the chance, as he thought it was always interesting looking at different races and people's idiosyncrasies. Gar'Tai looked upon the proceedings of the hangar. Many were chatting, although he noticed that the captain had been in conversation with another, presumably also high ranking, member of the military. Gar'Tai lost interest when they led themselves out of the hangar, as he no longer had the capability to observe what they were doing. Just then, he noticed another craft landing near him, inside was a man encumbered by his own ship, shouting profanity towards the air around him. Gar'Tai paid little attention, however he was still intrigued at what the man could have gone through to end up in such a predicament. Gar'Tai didn't understand why anger and frustration were such strong emotions. They clouded judgement, and that led towards a downward spiral of more frustration. People had to specifically work around anger, rather than erasing it from their mind completely. It was even harder to understand why anger was considered an evolutionary advantage. While Gar'Tai pondered, the man had already made his way out of the hanger, and at a time when the entire ship was securing itself for a jump. Gar'Tai followed this man to wherever he was going, making sure to mimic the man's footsteps in order to not be noticed. The people the man greeted had their smiles whisked away on their first sight of the crystal beast following him. Gar'Tai was unsure of why many didn't like his company, perhaps it was the mixture of his figure and the rather intimidating letters that were plastered onto the band on his arm, "MP". Gar'Tai followed the man until he got his food, upon which Gar'Tai thought it appropriate to introduce himself. Gar'Tai sat himself down next to the man, "My greetings, human. I have noticed that you seemed distressed upon the exit of your spacecraft, and I have come to inquire to you about the matter. What has been troubling you throughout your time on this vessel?"