[u]Mar[/u] Mar held her glare on the breathless Althalus, his form crippled and curled into a ball on the floor. It drew no sympathy from her as she viewed the man’s state. She believed he deserved it for trying to come back out and being a total idiot, his bravo met with the blunt end of her weapon. Her eyes were still filled with wrath and hurt, unwavering while she towered over the assassin. Meanwhile Leith and the guide began to pile on furniture, broken things, and anything that could be used to barricade the doors and windows where the undead could get in. If she wasn’t so pissed, Mar had considered it wiser to help but at this state, she was sure she would likely cause more damage than aid. "Hey! Not the time. We should probably go help Grey. He's up against what seems to be a master-level Necromancer. I'm still not sure how that's possible, he's just a kid..." It wasn’t until Leith had shouted her head had shifted sideways, holding his gaze for several moments. The albino’s words continued, his face frowned and stated something that seemed rather clear to all of them. Even with her low knowledge of other mageblood types, there was something off. If her recollection was correct, then the child, after summoning continuous magic, should’ve been dead by now. Even when Mar lowered her aggressive stance, Leith continued with his words and reflected something she had mentally asked before. "Is it absolutely necessary for the kid to die to stop them?" he asked, jerking his thumb over his shoulder at the door signally they should join Grey likely. "Wouldn't being unconscious do the trick?" While her figured lowered, her grip on her weapon didn’t loosen or seemed to have erase the boiling frustration at the whole situation. Her eyes settled on Leith longer than normal, seemingly to seek some slight hidden secret, before she released the lock and turned back to Althalus. The assassin on the other hand, had his own wrath and bitterness coiling within him. He had finally managed to pick himself upright and paused a moment, his eyes glanced around for something, then answered through gritted teeth. "If it was any other mageblood than Obligatio, I'd say yes. A flood would stop flooding if the mage causing it was knocked out. Same thing if a mage caused an earthquake, or an inferno. But not Necromancers.. They give life to things and then orders. And those things only stop being alive when the Necromancer decides they can, or the Necromancer is dead. So yes, the only way to stop this is to kill him. Unless," Althalus added sarcastically and clearly cynical to the idea, "he can be convinced to kindly stop trying to have all his 'subjects' kill us. Somehow I think it'll be easier just to kill the little bastard. And the only way Grey won't be able to handle him is if there's a small army of weapons or corpses in there with him. Because once Grey finds him, all he has to do is kill him. Speaking of that, where's my crossbow?" Mar tensed at the mention of the crossbow, her tail wrapped underneath her, with her eyes glaring at his causal tone. Shortly the guide had found and when it was passed to Althalus, the man whirled to face her. Her spine straighten to meet his head on reaction to her earlier tactics. "And as for you." His dark eyes filled with fired while he spoke, his feet bring him a few steps closer, as his head tilted upward to look at her dead in her own hard glare, unflinching. A few embers of arouse, impress he hadn’t a complete cowed personality, settled in her before it was quickly crushed under her fury when he finished. "If you ever do something that stupid to me again I will kill you, have Uicle resurrect you, and then kill you again! You could have died!" Her mouth naturally opened in a hiss, exposing her milky white fangs and body tilted higher up back to the full rearing height. In the background, the undead horde tried to claw their way in. Sounds of their hands, fingers, arms and whatever limbs were available ripped into the house’s outside. Their natural need for self-preservation was utterly gone, making Mar uncomfortable. When Althalus turned away, Mar wasn’t about to leave it alone. Her voice raised another level as she slithered toward him, her tail at the ready for a defending sweep at his legs if needed. Her tone was steady, almost dangerously so, but held clear emotion in the chosen words which spilled from her. “There has to be another way… besides killing a child. If that were Lyn up there, Althalus, our daughter, would you still consider just sending an arrow through her chest? Answer me, could you easily stick a knife through her forehead if she was in that state? I want to hear you answer!”