They crested the small bridge that sat at the foot of the mountain and they passed through Ivarstead slowly. The whole group drawing a few eyes as they were led through the streets and to the edge of the simple village. Words lifted over the soft breeze as Delphine spoke, and then the Saxhleel spoke up to cast his vote several minutes later. Rawlith had been thinking himself of who to vote for on this journey. He knew it would need to a true leader and one who either already presented themselves as a leader or someone who would take up the mantle naturally after being put into the position. It would need to be someone capable, strong, intelligent, but not inwardly focused. It would need to be someone who could use the group to it's potential, without outright using the group as tools. He turned as they stopped, his position among the group off-set to the right side and slightly forward, and looked over the group. He pondered each person, their proclaimed skills, and that of what he saw of a Dragon. Rawlith thought of what they might find in Kynesgrove, a Dragon perhaps, Thalmor maybe, Stormcloaks possibly, Necromancers all too imaginable, a Daedra for daydreams... Aetherius only truly knew.. but Rawlith knew one thing and that one thing was beasts. Rawlith was a hunter, tried and true and his years of expertise gave him the knowledge of physique and form over most he saw among the group. He began to recall the memories of the cavern and the Dragon as to recall the beast more so then anything. [Indent][I]The beast was long, limber, wide wings notched to it's fore-body, no front legs, rear legs meant to bend that were far shorter then it's wings an tail. It's wings collapsed and a digit extending from it's "elbow" made a makeshift hook, giving it a climbing and walking capabilities, as well as tearing with the massive talon on it.. The head shrouded in scales and horns, with razor fangs and that.. [B]Thu'um[/B] as the Greybeards call it. It's scales were all plenty thick, mustered across the body from head to tail and back to belly, but they were mustered. Many were spy, some were solid, some even seemed to wiggle and move, while others seemed stone-to-skin. Though the wings seemed to only have scales along the bone structure of the wings with it's actual skin being what draped tightly from bone-to-bone to produce the wing itself... Exactly like a bat or featherless bird. Hmm..[/I][/Indent] Rawlith's mind seemed to speak unlike himself, as it deliberated on with it's knowledge of structure and beasts before he switched his thinking to the present matter of deliberation. He needed to decide whether to vote or not, and who to vote for in the end. He honestly thought of himself for a moment, only based on the fact he had knowledge as a hunter and what he considered a grand memory. He had never truly been in a position of leadership, his tribe had always had a family lineage who leaded them, and Rawlith was more or less one of the fighters for the the tribe. He was only associated with the Hunters, the Protectors, and the Sage of his tribe, never the Head of the Clan. His thoughts filled with those around him, their skills, their workings, their personalities, their possibility at being a good, or bad, leader. Rawlith finally broke off his mind to speak aloud, while almost gesturing the group to pay heed to the Saxhleel and his decision. It was time to decide, and time to truly put it all on the table. "This one sees where you decision comes from, Saxhleel. This one however, while agreeing with it.This one is also still adamant that we should wait until after Kynesgrove, but if he needs to vote now then he shall do so. This one believes Kynesgrove will be a key part in determining who is leader, and who is not, it will also show who can survive. This one has complete faith in us as a group, it may not be through the knowledge of each of you, but rather the knowledge of our goal and determination, but it still brings reason to the obvious reality that some of us may die.. This one acknowledges himself among those who can, and will, die one day. Nevertheless, this one wishes to vouch for Nikolaus." He stated while crossing his arms over his chest to cause his armored arms to connect with his breastplate, as well as cause his trench-coat to sway lightly.