[i]A scream filled the church as a older brunette woman was being pulling of top of one of the men attending. The scratches on his face showing where she had attacked him. "I am not sorry! I am not sorry! You have gotten what you deserve, heartless monster!" She screamed loudly as the she struggled, against the hands of men and women that pulled her outside, to her fate. "Genevieve Areille McGeller, you have been convicted of the crime of witchcraft." The preacher spoke loudly as they bond her hands and feet. "Do you any last words to say for yourself?" The woman laughed at the question. "Last words” she laughed. “I am not the one that will be punished in the end, you took everything from me Henry! You, and your family shall be cursed as long as it for you to feel my daughters pain!" With that the fire was lit and a blood curtailing scream filled the air.[/i] Haven woke up in a panic, it taking a moment to where she was, the empty bedroom of her house for three years. It was really sad to leave it, but she really had no say in the matter. She was being sent to Salem, to be the new manager of the new restaurant in the popular chain. Though she was pretty excited about the chance to prove herself, her mother and grandmother weren’t so much. It had years since any of her family returned to Salem, since her grandmother ran away after the deaths of Victoria and Genevieve. They had been taught to hate what they didn’t even witness, and had vowed never to come back or find the cure. As Haven pulled her hair up, she glanced in the mirror at herself. With light sandy brown hair and dark green eyes, Haven stood at about 5'6 and was curvy built. She looked just like her mother, and her mother, and so on through the years up to Victoria. It was said this was one the backfires of the curse, to look the exact same. There were many others, however this was the clearest of them. Frowning at her own train of thought, she stuffed the rest of her stuff in with her cat, to start her long drive to Salem. Hours later Haven found herself biting her lips nervously, as she passed the "Welcome to Salem" sign. Though the sign was welcoming the feeling of the town wasn't, she couldn't help but feel a urge to turn around and go back. Even as she finally pulled to a stop in front of her new house, the moving truck already there waiting her. Getting out of her car she started helping to unpack and move her stuff in, leaving her cat and magical things for last. As she looked around at the boxes she sighed. [b]"This is going to take forever, Eclipse."[/b] She said before looking at the cat rubbing his against her ankles purring. She smiled reaching down to pet him, before getting her keys. [b]"I'm going to get something to eat. I'll bring you back something."[/b] She said as if the cat was going to answer, before locking up and getting in her car.