Fortunately, Azrael had walked past a relatively small public house when he had entered the city earlier that afternoon and was confident that he could find his way back to it. It would provide them with a nice little place to sit and eat and decide on where the young girl would like to go next, after she had quite adamantly admitted that home was not a viable option right now. As they navigated the wide main streets and the twisty-turny alleyways, heading for their destination, Azrael kept an eye out for anywhere that might be just as suitable a place to rest for a bit. After several minutes, the girl peered into a particular then at the sign hanging above the door before making a subtle sign that this place would be okay. Noting that, Azrael followed into the building. The 'Pride of the City' was far from anything that Azrael would be proud of if he owned this certain establishment, but he had seen far worse along his travels, so with a shrug, he sat at a nearby table with the girl. Azrael had a habit of always making notes on his surroundings, making sure that he was familiar with those around him, or how many exits there were should trouble appear, he had learnt these habits the hard way. Apart from him and the child, there was just a bunch of men crowded around a table, swigging from there ale mugs and singing loudly. [i]Not much trouble there.[/i] Apart from that, there was a man behind the bar cleaning glasses, and a barmaid who regretted the fact that she had to serve the drunks. As for exits, there was the door they entered and one at the back. Windows littered the front and back of the ground floor. There was a set of stairs leading up to the guest rooms too, but Azrael assumed that the girl wouldn't want to stay in a place like this, but then he could be wrong, he was still yet to discern her reasons for being out alone at this time of night, in such a rough part of the city. As they sat, the girl mentioned that her identity was an important factor in her attempts to go unnoticed, not that Azrael had overlooked this fact. She had such a heavy cloak on and she was always tugging at it to keep it over her head, covering her face as much as possible. The food here wasn't that special, but that was to be expected, and Azrael happened to notice that the food listed on the hand written menus, or rather, rags of parchment, didn't seem to interest the girl in the slightest, in fact, she even looked a little disgusted. With that, the girl slumped further in her chair. Azrael shook his head. "No. She is fine. A little shaken up is all. Could we possibly just get some hot tea, please.... Oh, and a couple of apples as well. Thank you, miss." The barmaid nodded and then retreated toward the kitchen. After a while, the girl said that she was heading outside and that Azrael could stay and eat, and then she exited back out of the entrance. Azrael furrowed his brow, this girl was obviously troubled. Azrael had paid the barmaid a little extra as he had said that he was going to be keeping the cups. She was about to protest when she saw how many coins were in her hand, so she fell silent and let the strange man walk away. Azrael slipped the two apples into his pocket and carried the to cups in his hands. He pushed the door open and walked out onto the street with two cups of hot tea in his hand. Looking around he saw the girl now sat on a bench against the outside of the tavern they were just in. She hadn't heard his footsteps as he rarely made noise when he walked now, years of training and made him quiet stealthy as a default. He held one of the warm cups next to the girls cheek. A subtle way of telling her to take the tea and keep warm. "You know, you have not even told me your name yet, little one. I know that you are trying to keep your identity hidden, but I cannot just keep calling you girl forever." He said with a light chuckle. "If you want to make up a name, that is fine..." A warm smile spread across his face as he looked at her. "The moon is nice tonight, it must be quite late now, perhaps ten o'clock or so. But then, I was never really that good at telling the time, too much time in the wilds I guess." He took a sip from his warm tea, the steam formed from the drink drifted into the air before slowly dissipating. The cold didn't affect him like it had once used to, he could spend all night out here and still feel comfortably warm, that's just how his body worked, never hot, never cold, Azrael almost missed seeing the heat emanate from his mouth like it normally would when someone breathes. "It is always the little things that you miss..." He muttered under his 'breath' in a little sigh.