Sorry for the delay, Christmas-time is insane at work. [quote=Sathanas Rex] I'm curious to see how a combat would work. [/quote] To answer your question: -Each skill/ability/magic will have an RP value (cost.) -Depending on the GM controlling the monster, a list of certain Actions will be available to you, each with differing RP costs. -You Spend RP to perform Actions, some of which are Very Effective or Not So Effective against certain enemies at certain times. -After you spend your points to perform an action, you roleplay that action out in short bursts of battle. -Your choices in battle will be plenty and frequent, you [b]will[/b] have a fair degree of freedom to dictate how a battle goes (as long as you can roleplay it and put it into words.) -The person controlling the Enemy NPCs only has 1 goal: Kill/incapacitate as much of the team as possible while still not running out of RP. -1 full 'Round' in-Battle will consists of [1 RPer attacking/defending] & [1 Enemy NPC attacking/defending] Here's a skeleton of how 1 Round (Player vs Enemy NPC) in a Battle might play out: [quote]>Cerberus bears his tri-jaws at [Player 1] and begins charging with surprising speed, even more so for such a bulky and heavy beast. >[Player ]'s heavy plate armor and knight-training suggested he >Dodge-Right (-1 RP) >[Cerberus] countered defiantly with a >Swipe (-1 RP) and his massive right-paw knocks [Player 2] into the stone wall of the chamber. Cerberus begins >Pacing (-1 RP) hungrily towards the limp body beside the earthy wall of the cavern. [Player 1], choked by his own plate armor, lay there breathing, but just barely. Cerberus, still largely intact, bares its immense teeth showing a gaping maw that could easily swallow [Player 1] whole... [i]>[b][Player 1]: [/b] -2 HP [13/15 HP] [STATUS: STUNNED] [9/10 RP][/i] [/quote] As you can see, posts might not necessarily reach a full 3 paragraphs in length, but stat calc happens within the actual IC post. I have already created 5 monsters/enemy NPCs for our cohort to battle, but an RP that lasts for 5 battles will end really quickly, so I have created a Character Sheet that should remedy this issue: [quote= _CHARACTER_SHEET] >Name/Alias: >Age: >Gender: >Specialty: (Pick 1) Speed, Strength, Magic, Defense, Curses/Buffs >Weapon: >Personality: (5 Traits, I want to see who your character is in the RP, not in the Character Sheet.) >Appearance: (Optional) [/quote] [quote=MONSTER_SHEET] >Name: >Gender: (If applicable) >Age: >Height: >Weight: >Specialty: (Pick 1) Speed, Strength, Magic, Defense, Curses/Buffs >Weapon: (If any) >Appearance: [/quote]