Acting quickly, Doc kept the huge shield in front of him, taking the gun in his free hand. The shield was heavy, definitely not a normal shield. As the fauns got closer, Doc pulled the trigger. He watched as the goat-man broke in to several pieces of flesh. Luckily, the shield protected him from blood as well. "Jesus... You way an awful lot..." he muttered as he moved to the side, lugging the shield with him. He fired the gun a few more times, flinching each time a faun got close. One faun got right up to the shield, and Doc shoved the shotgun right into it's stomach, letting the bullets propel it back. He didn't quite understand what was happening, aside from the fact that he was fighting for his life right now. "Alright, now'd be a good time to change!" he shouted at Anari. The fauns had been getting much closer, and though a shotgun was good for closer-range, a melee weapon would be far more helpful. As they got closer, he dropped the gun for a moment, lifting the shield, and swinging it at the goat-men with all his might. They didn't die or anything, but he could tell it scared them. He picked up the gun again and backed away.