Well, she’d done it this time. A dragon naturally inclined to adventure and acts of rashness, Kuwari had decided several days ago to take off from her parents’ nest and go… well, she didn’t really know where. Now she realized that having a destination probably would have been a good idea. However, because she did not have one and refused to go back and admit defeat, the young red opted to circle over one of many mountain lakes and try her claw at fishing. Food was also something she hadn’t really considered. While she certainly knew how to hunt, she had no real talent for it because she lacked the patience to stalk properly. Consequently, she had managed to pick off a rather stupid sheep three days ago and that was about it. The first dive into the lake produced absolutely nothing except a massive splash and the beating of a hundred wings as she scared every single waterfowl off this end of the lake. After poking about underwater and flailing around after fish for quite some time (and scaring away all of the fish she found without catching any), Kuwari wound her way through the water back to shore. Birds made it look so easy. All they had to do was dive in, and almost without fail they came up with something to eat. The red had to wonder what exactly was wrong with her technique. Honestly the answer to her question was ‘everything,’ but because this did not occur to her, she settled on a large warm rock by the lakeshore, spread her wings to dry, and contemplated what she could possibly be doing wrong.