The sun was rising over HIrameki City, and as it's shining rays fell upon the streets below many were already beginning their day. Students would be going to school, some would be going to work, others would simply be out and about for their own reasons. No matter where you lived the trip to anywhere was never very long thanks to Hirakemi's networks of bullet trains. Of course there was also the Monday stigma over the city, as many slothful citizens shuffled to their place of employment or education. One such person was a young man with blond hair, entering the gates of Satoru Highschool where he was to begin preparations for the opening ceremony. "Let's see. what did he want me to do?" The man wondered aloud as he made his way to the gymnasium, passing a teacher on the way. "Ah, Masanori-kun, your father was looking for you." The teacher told him, she was a young woman, and short too. Thanks to Masanori's towering height by comparison it made conversation's with her hurt his neck. Still he politely thanked her and set out to find his father, just then his phone rang. "Oh great, so impatient to talk he can't just wait for me to find him, alright what does the old man want....." He flipped open his phone, pressing the answer button. "Yeah? You couldn't wait a few more minutes for me to find you?" He took a pause as the person on the other end replied. "Yeah whatever, so what is it exactly that you want me to do?" Another pause. "What do you mean what do I know about pyrotechnics?!" --------------------------------------- Eventually students would arrive, the school would be clean and have a pronounced gleam as the sun shone of it's ivory walls. Upon entering they would find their class assignments on the notice board in the main hall, however before classes started students would be instructed to head to the gymnasium for the mandatory grand session. An event that takes place every year and has since the school opened, in fact Satoru was somewhat famous for the grandiose of the grand sessions. The students were held outside of the gym, no one allowed to enter until the appointed time. Apparently whoever coordinated the session was very particular about the impression and how a first look can so affect one's experience. "Alright, alright hold your horses." The commanding voice of one Yoshimitsu Akida, who taught history, sounded throughout the courtyard, the steel of his roman styled helmet gleaming in the sunlight. "We'll let you in when it's time, so just be patient." There was a little murmuring throughout the students, though mainly the first years. Those returning knew the drill and could anticipate what was in store for them inside.