The cheerful glow of the sun's light mocked the battlefield, various bodies strewn about like discarded dolls thrown from a petulant childs toy box. Birds of carrion called to one another, signalling that a feast was about to commence, other scavengers lurked in the shadows of nearby trees as they knew all to well the results of being caught in the open. A slight tremor shook the ground, scattering the birds that had already descended to gorge themselves on the sun kissed flesh. The tremor came again, this time causing a small rift to open along one side of the battlefield, air rushed out of the open orifice and a noxious fume filled the sky. Those creatures unfortunate enough to be anywhere near the gaseous cloud dropped out of the sky or simply collapsed. A necromancy spell had been unearthed due to the small quake, one of great power and even greater evil. It was a signature spell of one Archlich Serventus, a long undead and buried creature of dreadful powers. The lich's chambers had remained undisturbed for several centuries, not even the long lived elven race would have much memory of the terrible being, a memory of such wanton destruction and unmatched cruelty would have been washed away in one of the elven moonpools. Darkness lay unbroken and silent, no signs of anything living had touched the rooms in a very long time. The cobwebs, whilst plentiful were brittle with age and filled with the husks of both predator and prey, they were also thick with dust, much like everything else in the room. There was a large tapestry covering one wall, its beauty now marred by time, rot and dirt. It must have been a grand piece of art once, now it looked like a tattered curtain waiting to be thrown on a fire. The lone piece of furniture that had escaped relatively untouched was the gigantic throne of Serventus. It's occupant sat perfectly still on the once plush cushions. The skull's rictus grin and lifeless eyes suddenly moved, a dark purple light sprang into existence in the empty sockets and the jaw worked itself until it was loose enough to move without cracking. Next the skeletal figure began to move it's arms, slight juddering movements that ripped the brittle fabric and cobwebs that had encased them. The hands began to show signs of life next, flexing, clenching and then manipulating each digit. First the left hand and when Serventus was satisfied, the right. Lastly the legs, they shook free of the cobwebs and kicked out, snapping a fine golden chain that encircled one bony foot. The Archlich had awoken... I would like for people to join me in the quest to stop the Archlich from regaining his full powers, causing death and destruction wherever he goes and being a downright pain in the good folks of Tethella's backsides. (Unless of course there are a couple who want to play bad guys?). Basically the premise is this, Elves locked Serventus away centuries ago, they lost a lot of their own powers in doing so and the elders amongst them at the time gave their lives in creating a massive dome over the entire elven lands, this is called the veil. (it is like a gigantic soap bubble), people with pure hearts may cross unharmed, although anyone who is not elven or an elf-friend (someone the elves trust almost as much as another elf). They will either become disoriented and turned around until they leave the elven lands, or a patrol will capture them and take them in for questioning. Serventus wants revenge, he will stop at nothing to destroy all the elves. I do have a loose plot worked out, but it is not set in stone. Other races are acceptable (not everyone wants to be elven after-all). Hopefully there are enough people ( 6 would be fantastic) to show interest. I will go into more detail with races etc if needed.