Spirals and spirals and spirals and... dizzying colors. Siphran opened his eyes, watching as the land and sky chased each other in blurred circles. His wings caught the wind, tail swinging behind him, to any observer, he would seem a blue spinning blur, darting across the sky. Sometimes, he could just get so carried away, enjoying the feeling of the wind tugging at his wingtips, pushing him up and pulling him down, a friendly hand at times, a malevolent hammer at others. But it was his, and his alone. For now. Steadying himself, the blue dragon surveyed the expanse. The sky was clear, no occupants to behold save for a few birds in the distance. The ground, well he only afforded it a passing glance, nothing down there. Nothing worth seeing anyway. It was a place of the land bound creatures, mud, and dirt. An okay place, but it held nothing to his kingdom of cloud and sun. From his now stable perch in the sky, he noticed movement in the distance. Far to be sure, but his keen eyes saw a dark dot in the distance, plummeting towards the earth. Curiosity aroused, he angled in that direction. It was not a bird, it was too big, and this area was one infested by the two limbed, land bound flesh sacks, they could not fly. As he neared, the lake appeared from behind the treetops. But no flying creature in sight. Curiosity not yet abated, he dove to the surface, skimming above the water while peering intently around. Still, he saw nothing. Siphran had failed to notice what lay behind him though, becoming distracted by peering at the sparkling water below him, and his reflection that it had captured.