[hider=Master] [center][img=http://i.imgur.com/DIvX6er.jpg?1][/center] [b]Name(s):[/b] Sebastien d'Karnag [b]Faction:[/b] Allies (Mage's Association) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Birthday:[/b] ??/21 [b]Personality:[/b] Perhaps Sebastien is not really cut out for the life of a magus. Although he has a difficult time properly displaying it, Sebastien cares greatly for people even if he does not know them. He seeks to protect, even if what he seeks to protect might not even require it. His approach to people can have some rather disturbing implications if looked at through a more negative lens. Although currently not a diagnosable issue in 1939, Seb suffers from what would come to be called Alexithymia. There's something very off about him as a whole. [b]Biography:[/b] As the current family head of the d'Karnag, Sebastien is the Second Owner for the Brittany region of France, supervising supernatural activities that take place in the area and protecting the present ley lines. The existence of Sebastien was first made known to the Association when Neville d'Karnag, Seb's father, brought him before the Red Branch Knights at the age of seven to "honour ancient ties" and for Sebastien to train and grow under their watch. Neville's motives could be brought into question, as Sebatien took to their martial training and runes like a fish to water. A decade later, with Seb at the age of seventeen, Neville perished for reasons covered up by the d'Karnag's associate families. As his sole successor, Sebastien inherited the role of Second Owner from his father and moved back to France. A year on Sebastien finds himself chosen to take part in the upcoming Holy Grail War, representing the Mages Association amidst growing the war-bound climate. The d'Karnag are and old family, and they have their share of enemies within the Association. It is likely that his attempt to win the grail may be sabotaged, even in a situation like this. [b]Origin:[/b] Drowning [b]Elemental Affinity:[/b] Water [b]Number of Magic Circuits:[/b] C [b]Quality of Magic Circuits:[/b] B [b]Prana Tank:[/b] A Plus [b]Magecraft:[/b] [b]Rune Set[/b] [*]A type of Magecraft originated in the old Scandinavia, symbols that once inscribed automatically realize mysteries accordingly with the meaning that they represent. Composed of only straight lines and possessing mechanics similar to the Magic Crests, their usage is unpopular within the Mage's Association.[/*] [b]d'Karnag Crest (Damaged)[/b] [*]The d'Karnag crest once contained a few centuries worth of druidic knowledge, making communing with nature and bending earth, water and blood to the owners will a poultry task. However, the transfer over to Sebastien seems to have damaged the crest, rendering it no better than the crest of a family only a few generations old. Now it only grants minor benefits towards casting in its specialities.[/*] [b]Mystic Codes:[/b] [i]LabezaƱ Arm[/i], a d'Karnag Mystic Code relic from a time when Petrification was a more favourable form of magecraft. The LabezaƱ Arm is a javelin which when thrown and hitting another person, turns the unfortunate recipient to stone. A direct hit results in near instantaneous petrification, where a glancing/scratch will only effect the area struck. [b]Equipment:[/b] Rune inscribed clothing, funds, residence purchased for the war, and appropriate supplies. [b]Non-Magecraft Related Skills:[/b] Skilled hand-to-hand combatant, athlete, aspiring novelist and artist, lie detection, dynamic entries into combat, being weird around people he likes, cooking. [b]Natural Enemy:[/b] The Meinster[/hider]