In the depths of the Forests the figure of Arthur Greystoke marched onwards. Killing off a few of the weaker competition as they interrupted his adventure. Little did Arthur know that he was being followed. About ten yards behind the electric man was a woman whose form loomed over most others, this woman is Jean Baldwin. Known to some as the Unstoppable Juggernaut, known to most as The Extreme of Strength. Among the Extremes there were few who were as feared as Jean, the rest of the Extremes are more stable than she is. Jean, however, tends to go a bit too far in combat. Her killstreak is twice as long as any of the other Extremes and three times as brutal. Arthur's path seemed to be random, as though he were looking for something. Something with an unknown location. Perhaps he was looking for one of the houses within the forest, there were a few scattered about. They would make decent locations for planning and meeting up, if they weren't discovered. Jean could see the merit in this, she had heard about his killing spree on the Mountain. This man had killed three foes with relative ease, taking the first three kills of the Arena in one go. Several other deaths followed, but his triple kill was something to be admired. The man kept treking onwards, Jean opting to begin closing the distance between them. She picked up her pace and started bridging the distance. Seven yards. Five yards. Three. The woman caught up to Arthur, stepping forward just enough to be put into his left periphery. With a slight turn of her head she spoke to Arthur, looking down to him. "So, nice weather we're having. Huh?" This was about the most horribly awkward sentence she could muster, and it wasn't even intentional.