"Evangeline, huh? I once knew an Evangeline in a far away land across the see. She was very beautiful." He smiled. "I believe she said that the meaning of her name was 'bearer of good news', heh. At least that's better than the meaning of my name..." He watched as she delicately sipped from the tea in her mug. For some reason, Azrael got the feeling that she had been brought up to have good manners. It was just a few subtle things he had noticed. Like the cleanliness of her cloak or the way she held her cup. The way she talked was a little more refined too. If he had to take a guess, he'd assume that she was from the more middle class part of the city, perhaps she had ran away from home tonight and ended up lost here. He shrugged to himself and returned to his own cup of tea. He chuckled lightly at the girls questions. "Heh. No, no, nothing like that. I don't mean living like an animal. It was just a figure of speech. I've spent many years travelling around without any need for the concept of time. I just lived how I wanted to, when I wanted to. I must say though, a part of me is glad to be back." As they sat quietly next to each other, sipping their tea, Azrael felt a pair of eyes looking over him. He started to wonder just what the girl thought about him, after all, they were still strangers to each other, and had only met a few hours ago. When he returned home to the city, he hadn't thought that he would end up escorting a young lady on his first night. Not that he had had a plan for when he returned. It was just nice to be back, and meeting this girl was a welcome change from his usual solitude. The girl rested against his shoulder and let of a long yawn. It would be a long time before he grew tired himself, the night was still young and he generally slept just after the sun rose. He sat there for a few minutes before he addressed the girl again. He kept his eyes fixed on the moon as he spoke. "Hm... by the sounds of it, you will be lucky if they haven't realised that you have disappeared on them. I would gladly take you home, but I am not so sure of my way around town either, I have yet to relearn the streets. Also, I have no idea where you are from, but I am guessing that it is not from any part of the poor district. Heh." He turned to look at her as he waited for her to tell him whereabouts that she lived. Hopefully he would have some idea where it was, failing that, he could find out from someone inside the tavern. She looked quite young, but Azrael could sense a bit of experience in her eyes. Perhaps she was just deceptively young. He also noted that she seemed to exude a beauty that he rarely saw. Not to say that he didn't see many pretty people during his travels, but she seemed to hold a beauty that matched those of royalty. She was a lucky girl. Azrael even felt lucky to have encountered her and seen it for himself. He returned his gaze back to the moon, enjoying the light that bathed his face. The night was always a beautiful thing for him, especially when the moon was allowed to shine without fear of clouds.