[center][b]1st December, 1999 - Approximate Location of Aldenberg Manor Luther Cunningham[/b][/center] Luther began to lose hope that he would ever find one - it was rather silly, really, to expect the Ashes to use such an insecure method of communication as an owl. But how else would he ever be able to get his letter in? A Patronus certainly wouldn't work, as he hasn't the slightest clue of where to send it. Nor would the Floo Network, or his own owl. No, only an owl that has been given the Secret could ever deliver a message to Aldenberg Manor. But where on Earth would he find one of them? Just then, Luther sees movement out of the corner of his eye. Could it be? Yes! An owl just appeared out of thin air, surely it must be the Ashes' owl! And what luck, he's heading straight towards me! Luther waited until the owl was right above him, not taking any risk lest he misses and scares it away. Luther drew his wand. [i]"Petrificus Totalus!"[/i] He waited for a moment, then another. Did he miss? Another moment. Success! The bird began to drop out of the sky. [i]"Arresto Momentum!"[/i] Just before the owl became fresh fertilizer, it came to a stop and gently floated to the ground. Luther walked over to it and crouched down. "Sorry pal, but I need you to deliver a letter to the Ashes. Think you can do that for me?" Luther comforted. [i]"Finite,"[/i] he murmured, and the owl got up, again able to move. It pecked Luther, glaring angrily, then held up its foot expectantly. Luther tied the letter to the owl with a piece of string, and as soon as he finished the owl flapped away. Luther watched until it disappeared behind the wards, then he stood up. Visualizing Tottenham Court Road, Luther took a few steps and Disapparated. Curiously, not a single Muggle noticed the man that had just appeared amongst them out of thin air.