[b]Alexis and Asuka[/b] Asuka moved though the ship carrying the young kid as best as she could. The kid was pretty thin and not all that long in height so he was pretty light, but he was still to heavy for Asuka to fully carry him if it was not for her enhancer magic giving her barely enough strength to carry the kid. She knew it would be easier to move around with him if she had dropped the sword, but she could not do that. Being a fellow swords user she felt there was a trust between them, knowing what a sword could mean for a swordsman, especially one that, in the quick seconds that she had to sheath the blade in Alexis his scabbard, had seemed to appear so unique, maybe even the reason behind the kid's power blast assault. It was bad enough that she had to carry the kid across a battle field but as she moved though the ship it seemed the battle field had followed her as at certain points she noticed female silver soldiers moving though the ship. Most seemed to be in a hurry to support their partners at some battle field further inside, something she was grateful for. If she wanted she could have taken them down but it meant that she had to drop the kid at one place, risking his live and exhaust her magic more and more, risking both their lives on the long run... She sneaked as best she could while getting to the ship's elevator. eventually she got to it only to find out that the enemy had put their numbers around it, she wondered why they would take an interest in controlling the elevator, sure there had to be more reasons for it in a tactical point of view but for now all she cared about was how to get inside it and get the kid to the med bay ASAP. "uhm.., excuse me, are you part of the Exa?" a new female voice sounded from Asuka's back. Asuka quickly turned around, instinct wanted her to draw her blade but with the kid in her arms she had to restrain that impuls, cursing in her mind for being careless for a second. To her relieve the one she looked into the eyes was a Rifer female, someone she had seen in the meeting but had not gotten the chance to talk to before. "yes, but now is not the time for greetings" Asuka responded coldly while she returned to looking at the lift. The Rifer female took her look over Asuka's shoulders "are those enemy's in the way?" she asked with a little stutter in her voice due to Asuka's cold responce, she wanted to ask if she should try to take them down but she did not dare it. "yeah, cant get the kid to the med bay" Asuka replied simply, more focused on the group of females, though this time she kept her ears open for any sounds, not wanting to be surprised again. Hearing that the Female Rifer found her courage to ask her question anyway "do you want me to take care of them?" still stuttering a little. Asuka looked at the woman and noticed her security mark, the woman did not look like much at first glance with all that timid and stuttering, but she guessed she would be able to fight if she was a security member. All she did was nod and followed as the woman started to grin while looking at the enemy's before she started to walk right into the middle of the hallway. "hey bitches, you got the wrong ship" the woman yelled loud, surprising Asuka how she instantly changed personality. The woman at the lift instantly looked at the new arrival, surprised at the boldness, they were surprised enough that it took them a little time before they started to grab their weapons. The Rifer female however had grabbed her 2 machine guns while she shouted, something Asuka had missed to noticed due to her own surprise. "Lets DANCE" The woman yelled as she started to fire her guns to the enemy woman, taking down 2 of them, leaving 4 that had either jumped into the elevator, around the corner and the last 2 were cowering on the ground, all the while The female kept on shooting like a mad-man, most of her magic bullets were hitting the wall on the other side of the corridor but seemed to had lost enough power by that time to only make dents. "WHATS THE PROBLEM LADY'S, CANT TAKE THE HEAT, HAHHAAHAHAHAHA" The woman shouted "OR ARE YOU AS SCARED AS YOUR ALL UGLY AS SHIT, COME OUT AND FIGHT ME" she continued. Her insult seemed to have sparked something in one that was on the ground as she suddenly stood up firing just as foolish from anger. Asuka guessed that one had some issues with being called ugly, enough even to lose her head even in this situation, and she had to give it to the mad woman firing the machines gun's, she did not just fire randomly, she even tried and seemed to succeed in taunting her enemy to get in her line of fire, making her glad the mad woman was on their side. While the enraged woman got up firing her gun in such a manner that she missed the Rifer woman but took out some lights in the process, the other woman that was on the ground screamed in vain for her ally to stay down, only to watched as the enraged woman got pumped full of magic bullets. After that the Rifer woman stopped and grinned "what, cant take it your little slut died" she said trying to taunt the other 3 to come out, though she mostly expected the one on the ground to get up, making it a surprise that while she remained on the ground, the one that was hiding around the corner jumped into sight. The Rifer female barely was able to avoid the shot made at her by stepping back with one leg, feeling the bullet scrape past her breasts, while pulling her arm up and firing her gun once more, taking down one more enemy. both girls were surprised that the one that was on the ground still did not do anything for a little while. The Rifer woman wanted to walk towards the woman only to stop when Asuka called out to her "Stop, she is right in the line of fire from the elevator door, it could be a trap with the one still inside" The Rifer woman looked at Asuka and nodded before looking at the one on the ground once more, her gun shooting one shot, something she never done before, right into the womans head, she then grabbed one of the dead woman off the ground and hold her as a shield before walking into the elevator. once inside she found the last of the enemy's that were in this corridor, trembling, her gun on the ground next to her. The enemy woman had pulled her helmet off even. Asuka walked in once she noticed that nothing happened to she the woman sitting on the ground in the corner, it was not hard to see that this woman had never seen anyone die before and now had seen an entire group of who likely were friends to the woman killed in front of her own eyes, breaking her mind. The Rifer woman dropped the dead body on the ground in front of the scared woman. The woman looked at her dead ally, who's head was faced towards her while laying in a really messed up position, blood covered so many of her features, it was no surprise that the woman ended up screaming and scrambled out of the elevator before stumbling over an other dead ally. Asuka actually was feeling sorry for the woman and felt glad that the kid did not had to see this. However the Rifer female was grinning, finding some amusement in the sight of her enemy having being reduced to this pitiful state. Not wanting to see anymore Asuka used Alexis his foot to press against the button to get to the next floor before talking to the Rifer woman. "names Asuka, once we know if the second floor elevator doors are clear, could you get outside and help the captain, if he's still not on the ship then I guess he needs some help" She asked the woman, true to her intentions in general but in a sense she also wanted to get the woman as far away from her as possible for now. "eh.. sure, I will see what I can do, my name is Eru by the way" the woman replied, back to her timid and intimidated state of mind, something that surprised Asuka but she did not get much time to let that sink in as from the first floor she heard a gunshot. She sighed as she guessed that the woman must have grabbed a gun from her ally's corpses and shot herself. Once the doors opened it was a relieve for Asuka to find no enemy's on the second floor hallway, though it seemed that Eru was disappointed as she seemed to have been fired up to fight again once the doors opened. Still Asuka did not paid it much mind as she started to move as fast as she could towards the medbay, only to find the door locked. "hey, open up, this is Asuka Tomoe, Security personal, I have an unconscious kid here" ------------------------- [b]Eru and Volray[/b] As the doors of the elevator opened on the first floor Eru looked at the woman leaning with her back against the wall on the opposite side of the hall across the elevator doors, an gun was laying on her lap and blood was flowing from the bullet hole on her forehead, Eru found it was a wierd spot to kill herself as most shoot themselves in the temple, but she did not care much, the girl was boring anyway. Once she exited the ship she took a little look around the battle field, a grin crossed her face as she thought on how many enemies she could take care off right now, only to shake her head, she had a job to do. As she stepped on the concrete floor she closed her eyes forcing a large slab of stone to rise in front of her, giving her some coverage from the barrage of bullets, incidentally also giving the ship's entrance some coverage. after that she focused her magic more, pulling up the concrete floor and the rocks under it, ignoring the woman behind her that was likely spouting about her having to get back inside. As soon as her golum body was finished did she finally replied, not really caring on what the woman had actually said anyway, she just figured the woman called her back "why hide in the ship if the real party is out here, no way I am going to miss it, besides I got a cap to rescue" With that she rushed off onto the battle field. most of the time she pretty much slammed the giant golums arms on any enemy she could get close enough to, though at times she slammed the ground to force rock spires, platforms and craters to appear at pretty much random locations just to mess with the enemy. it went on like this for quite a few minutes as she got lost in the 'game' though once she noticed the crystal bunker she knew where she had to go. The golum quickly lost a bit of armor as it started to move much faster, running towards the bunker and ramming everyone that was unable to get away in time, smashing them to a bloody silver armored pulp. Once it reached its destination the golum's upper body opened as Eru jumped out from the stone construction, making it crumble and crush all those that were trying to get close again. She looked around to the 4 people, one who seemed to be an enemy prisoner that was stuck on the bunkers inner walls. "who's the cap here?, wait, hey you on the ground your one of those Shiira right?" the rush of adrenaline and not having had any conversation with them before pressing on her in a manner that she was not as confident as when in a fight but also not as intimidated by those around her. Volray looked up when the woman talked to him. "yeah" he replied pretty simple, faking a smile as good as he could. "perfect, hey I know, can you like make some crystal bridge or something if I rise the ground enough?" she responded, the guy seemed nice making her feel a little more at ease for the time being. Volray looked at the woman for a little while, he had thought that he had to do this on his own, take the hits, lose his live while protecting these people, but with this option he could live as well, though he felt guilty about this option as well, he had thought that he could join his dead crew but now he might keep on living. Volray slapped himself in his face to clear his mind and nodded to the woman, his face was serious now. Eru took that as a sign and lifted a big slab of concrete while climbing the bunkers inner stairs, seeing the situations around she threw the slab on the ground hard to try and scare the enemy's away as much as possible while jumping down, hoping that the dust and smoke from the impact would hide her long enough to do her next task. this one thing would be taxing for her and she knew she wont be able to perfect it, but with a Shiira behind her, it should work. Putting her hands on the ground she focused for quite some time, long enough that the smoke around her started to lessen, but it worked just in time as earth started to rise in one long line, splitting the battle field in 2 as she made a wall like bridge all the way to the ship's entrance. The enemy were surprised to see this and while some tried to attack they kept aiming to low or to high to hit the crouching girl who by the end of it was breathing heavily. "Now!" she called as she moved back on the bunker. Volray launched himself on the wall's edge and put his hands down ASAP, forcing walls of crystal to rise from the sides, making the bridge thinner, but at least they were save from enemy fire. he jumped back inside and addressed all of them "go, I'll follow you once I got this guy down" With that he grabbed the man, forcing the crystal shackles that bound him to the bunkers walls to break just enough that it kept his hand and stump locked together in a large block but he was down from the wall at least. This time Volray did not wanted any chances with the getaway, so he grabbed the man's arms shackle and crystalized his own hand to the back of the man's crystal collar, if he had to he would drag the man across the ground but for now he tried to encourage the man to walk by holding a diamond dagger to the man's spine, something that backfired once they got to the ship as his prisoner realized his chances to escape had failed, so suddenly he jumped backwards, impaling the dagger into his back, to suddenly before Volray got the chance to react move ahead again, pulling Volray out of balance for a second before coming back on the dagger, this time aiming the blade into his own heart. "FUCK" was all Volray could say as the prisoner fell dead on the ground, if it was not for Volray to break the crystals that attached the 2, he would have fallen on the guy. Setting all his thoughts aside he figured he could only do one little thing now, make a mad dash to the ship as it started to hover above the ground, having to launch himself once more in an attempt to reach the ship's entrance door. His jump however failed as exhaust had kicked in, breaking his launch platform at the last second and giving him minimal air time, still he tried to grab the door, failing to reach it. yet he did not crash to the ground as someone had grabbed onto his hand, he could not see who the man or woman was, but he knew someone had saved him. his only question now was, would he be glad or not about this??