Despite her momentary break, Kuwari had no wish to spend the rest of the day being idle. She was ever the sort to seek adventure, not wait for it to come on by, but on this particular occasion adventure found her. To be precise, a dragon found her, zooming overhead from someplace behind her. Unsurprisingly, she didn’t recognize him. She had traveled from the volcanic regions to the west, home of the fire dragons, and he did not look like any fire dragon she had ever seen. Therefore he was intriguing, and because he would not know who she was, he was probably not a threat – in part because he was looking in totally the wrong direction. He did seem to be very interested in something in the water, however. Curious, the red watched him for a few moments, sodden wings fluttering and scattering droplets of water across the rock before a strange scent distracted her. Not having grown up with humanoids, their scent was half-known but not familiar to her, and it brought her to her feet, tail swinging slowly back and forth behind her as she got her bearings. Shame her wings were wet – she might be able to fly, but it would be a clumsy affair, and the human was far enough away that walking was a bother. While tempted to socialize, the red was much more interested in an easy meal. Her parents, when she was a hatchling, had taught her a bit about humans and their relatives, and while they could be a dangerous enemy, she had heard that the little ones were their version of hatchlings. That didn’t bother her much – a snack was a snack. Kuwari slipped off the rock and slid underwater, noticing that the human was looking in her direction but confident that she could submerge herself deeply enough that the ripples wouldn’t be noticeable. And this was exactly what she did: she slipped down to the lakebed and swam at full speed in the direction she had last noticed the human, using her wings for extra speed underwater. Moments later she exploded out of the water again, sending up a huge spray of droplets and releasing a bellowing roar intended to shock her prey into inaction. Hopefully her target was still standing in the right place, though – she hadn’t exactly taken the time to look. Once she caught her snack, she would consider greeting the other dragon – but she was hungry, and this human looked tasty!