Admiring the reflection, he cocked his head, then playfully struck the surface of the water with his legs before banking away, wingtip running along the surface and throwing up a spray. As he turned around he noticed several new scents. Maybe they were related? All he knew was that it smelled faintly of those bumbling ground creatures, humans, and one of dragon. Who? Did he know them? Siphran's visual search brought up no dragon, but a solitary human figure by the lake side. Maybe the human would know where the other dragon was? If not, maybe he could at least have a good conversation for a few moments. He zeroed in on the lake side, still skimming above the surface of the water. As he neared the bank, he drew up short and did a double take as a red dragon burst from the water at the human. From this angle it was hard to tell, but it certainly wasnt a happy "Nice to see you" posture. Something was going to go down if he didn't do something quick. He had no allegiance to humans in general, but at least give it a chance to gauge whether they were good company or not before attacking. The blue tilted back into a steep ascent, trading speed for altitude. He would need to act fast. Twirling around, he sped back down towards the ground at an alarming rate, pulling up at the last moment, managing to skid in front of the red, seperating it from the small looking meat sack behind him. "Well HEY there!"