Siphran leaned back, making an appraisal of the dragon in front of him. After a moment of deliberation, he shook his head, moving to again block the path of the hungry red. "That's not a meal, its a person! A little, smelly person, but you don't just EAT people. Not at first!" He performed a short two step, prancing almost with delight. Two people to converse with! Today was going swell. He looked over his shoulder at the cowering bundle, fear radiated from her. He shrugged and looked back at the red. "If you just EAT the person, then you can't find out where they came from? What if they have more food, or gold? Or if they're a pleasant person?" He pondered the question with a contemplative look, "No, its no good. Then you lose out on opportunities." He answered himself. The blue shook his head, then watched the red closely for a reaction. This new dragon was still small, smaller than he. Aggressive though, and hungry of course. Hopefully not young and hot headed enough to get his point. He tried to smile convincingly, shuffling his feet.