Sabrina of course, was dwelling on the encounter with the strange woman from the Dark Brotherhood, she was un-sure if they'd really meet again. But as she walked, she began to pick up sounds from the way she came, from the very same woman's location. This was odd to the vampire, she didn't expect anyone else to be around, and then she sensed them. This made her cautious, why would soldiers be around here, in the middle of the woods and practically alone. She doubted they were soldiers, and if they were what she thought they were, she'd hate them even more than the soldiers. Her eyes narrowed as she turned, staring at the two soldiers at the other woman's sides. Practically looking straight back into the other woman's eyes now that she saw the other was staring at her the entire time, what for though Sabrina wondered. She focused on the two soldiers, her vision making everything clear, one was prepping a dagger behind his back and the other already having a weapon out. She approached the trio, moving fairly faster than any normal person in walking, almost seeming to glide toward them within the shadows; preparing to face the two if they were Dawnguard like she thought they could be. She'd stay to the sides for the moment though, and watch to see what Viper did with the two, if anything and if they were an actual threat.