A rather normal day in the usually thrilling live of Yui Hasekura, the kind of day one would call “normal and boring”, a day where the aspiring Idol just bid farewell to some of her classmates that accompanied her a bit home. Since her grandparents lived rather outside, Yui traveled around 2 hours with the train everyday, and being kind-of famous also led her to always take a detour to a rather secondary train-station. Walking down an alley together with her trusted ear plugs, she happily hummed the song alongside it, not expecting the immediate doom that was approaching her. Then all of a sudden, there was a tiny brown dog sitting perfectly and appropriately quite exactly in the middle of the way. It stared straight at her, those comparatively huge puppy-eyes fixed determinately and undoubtedly straight at her. Around the tiny brown dog’s neck was a strap like that which an owner would identify their dog with, except instead of a tag with the dog’s name or owner’s information there was a knife dangling from it… For a moment, the dog would just sit there, looking quite happy, just in the middle of the way. Continuing her journey, Yui suddenly froze in place as, out of the blue, a dog sat there. Wrong, it wasn’t [i]just[/i] sitting there, it felt more like, it was waiting there, waiting with a special purpose. "..." Still, as cute as the dog may be and her friends would totally go all ‘KAWAII DESU NE’, the red-hair saw only a harbinger of misfortune and doom; and that wasn’t just because of the knife around the dog’s neck . Fortunately for the girl, the dog was quite some distance away, making turning around and just using another route a breeze. “WAF!” And all of a sudden the dog barked its quite high-pitch call for attention and took off, dashing at full dog-speed towards her. Completely oblivious to any and all emotions Yui might feel, the tiny dog simply sped towards her with intention of getting close and jumped, quite an extreme jump for a normal dog, intent on jumping into her arms. … Because everyone usually catches him in their arms when he jumps at them like that. Why wouldn’t she? Oh, and it didn’t matter which direction she was turned in at that moment, either. Curiosity killed the cat, but in this case, saved Yui's life. Finding out the dog was charging towards her by simply turning around. As the [s]cute little pup[/s] abomination of evil got closer and closer, the girl knew there was no use in running, but she was determined to live on instead of becoming food! So, she calmed herself as much as she could and as the dog made its jump she dashed a bit diagonally towards the dog, getting past him without bothering to look back. Victorious, she was about to yell "Go aw- " before stumbling over her own feet and greeting the ground with her face, truly athletic. The dog missed, but landed flawlessly a bit further away where the still brilliantly happy dog just simply turned around and skipped after her. What is a dog that doesn’t enjoy a bit of a chase, after all? Then, as it would turn out, Yui had falled down on her face when he approached. Still happily skipping along the dog would simply jump up to her head and, as she was still lying down face-first, started joyfully licking her left ear with absolutely no seeming hint occurring to him that she could potentially have hurt herself by tripping like this. She needed to get up fast, no matter how much it hurt! But it was too late, the dog had catched up quite easily and starting the work of the devil. Being devoured by the beast, she could only yell "NOOO! Stop! Please!" Half agony, half laughter, crying for mercy as the dog took advantage on one of her weak spots. Quite oblivious to any agony of the young female, the dog merely assumed that her cry of half-laughter was a sign that she was enjoying herself he merely happily continued his assault on her ear, happy to be of service. As the girl did nothing to stop him, he continued doing so for the better part of the minute before finally taking a few tiny paw-steps back and gripping ahold of the tiny knife around his neck with his tiny mouth and looking towards Yui. The little dog was quite proud of himself, his innocent dog-eyes gazing happily at her while he had a weapon in his mouth. After the dog finally stopped the assault, the Idol was happy to be still alive! Finally having some time to breath, Yui looked up, glaring into the dogs face; what it did was nearly as nasty as stealing her first kiss! Finally realizing the dog had the dagger in it’s mouth she was rather confused. Even for her standards this was about to become ridiculous, was the dog to go now full ninja and cut her throat?! Maybe she actually fainted and this was a nightmare? "Hey...hey…” Yui said with a wry smile. "We can talk about it, okay?" The young dog looked at her for the impending while, happy as can be. Then, the dog twisted his head to throw the knife up in the air, giving a brief “Waf!” before he took ahold of the knife’s bottom of handle and thrusted it down into the ground. That’s when all of a sudden a great green magic show took place, huge undoubtedly magical circles spearing out in a great obviously unnatural light which engulfed the ground around Yui… … … And then suddenly the solid ground she stood on disappeared, the center of the circle vanishing into a portal straight down into the street, the tiny dog happily watching as it happened. The dog however didn't seem to have the smallest care in the world about her as it created that magic circle, even as both started to fall through, all Yui could do was to yell and curse towards this devil, not to mention things happened way too fast for her. She had fallen and yelled, the dog would just happily “Waf!”, content with having made a new friend (according to himself) and completing his mission, jumping down after her in time for the magical circle-portal to close behind them… And beneath them opened a large landscape of floating islands, green lands and fighting animal-people... “This is getting ridiculous..." Was all she could bring out, deeply believing this was a dream, the experience to fall from around 9000 metres towards your death was still epic and real, apart from the impending impact. But since she had nothing to fear, Yui actually made hero-poses and the like while in the air.