((So sorry everyone! Apparently I'm a full timer now at Walmart. I don't remember signing up for 40 hour weeks, though...)) Magenta lazily scanned the dance floor. A bunch of silly humans in pairs, moving half-heartlessly to the rhythm of the trance music. It looked inviting, but Magenta didn't want to dance to slow music. You don't go to the clubs for slow dancing! There are authentic ballrooms for that. No, you come here to dance to techno and pick up studs for the night, and if you're lucky, he covers your tab. If not...well, the roofies help. She hopes the bartender wouldn't notice like last time. She still wasn't allowed in [i]The Bronze[/i].... "Hey." A male demon sits next to Magenta with a drink in his hands. She smirks and looks him up and down. Not bad...short, just like she likes them. Magenta goes for the effiminate boys, after all. She loves to dominate men in bed. "Hello!" She responded and stirred her drink with her finger.