Nathaniel stood around in the hallway sleepily. Hopefully there was someone nearby, as he didn't want to start wandering around the ship aimlessly, especially since he didn't want to stumble into anywhere that he wasn't meant to go, like wherever the ship's power source was. Fortunately for him he heard some voices from somewhere further down the hallway. He recognized Linda's voice. Apparently they were talking about how unbelievable this entire situation was. Nathaniel considered this for a moment. In all honesty, if he hadn't been partially asleep when Qyx picked them all up, he would've nearly been hysterical. Granted, nobody would believe him when he got back, but it was amazing that he knew the answer to a question humanity had been seeking for many years. Nathaniel was so distracted by his own thoughts that he didn't notice that there was a group of people in front of him, and Linda was looking at him somewhat concerned. "You ok, man? We're uh...just kind of exploring if you wanna join us." Nathaniel stumbled for words as he responded, "Uh, yeah, I'm ok, just a little bit tired, but at least I'm not walking around half asleep any longer. What's there all to see on this ship? Seeing how I'll probably be on this thing for a while, I should probably get to know my way around."