"Sure. I will not tell anyone if that is what you ask of me." He said politely. "You... Live IN the castle? I see." He pondered on that for a moment. It was true that she was very elegant and practised good manners. She was likely a handmaiden for the Queen, or one of the Princesses? He was not well educated on the current Monarch and his family. He hadn't really needed to know anything about them. Especially not this generation. A few hundred years ago he could list off each member of the Royal Family in his sleep. "Everyone knows that castle, it has been there for centuries. I know where it is, but navigating these winding streets and traversing the uneven ground is another thing. Heh." He guessed that she wasn't anyone of high importance, otherwise the city would be in an uproar trying to find her. Though she seemed a little young to be out and about alone. He pushed these questioning thoughts out of his head and decided that it would be nice to cast his eyes upon the castle once again. So with that he decided that he would escort the poor girl home. But just as he decided on that, the girl said something very odd. "You will pay me handsomely will you?" Just who was this girl? "Just who are y-" The end of his sentence was cut short as the girl started to tug on his shirt sleeve, dragging him in what she thought was the general direction of the castle. [i]Well, whatever.[/i] He thought as he started to follow the girl. The journey had been quite long. It wasn't that they had been very far away, although they had because the city was quite large, but mainly because neither of them knew the city streets that well, so all they had was the direction that they had to go because they could see the castle in the distance. Azrael would normally just take the 'high street' jumping from roof to roof, as in this city the buildings were very compact and tightly built. Obviously, it wasn't easy, and with the girl as well, it would be somewhat difficult, the roofs were badly made and tiles would slip quite often. Anyway, he was fine with walking, and it wasn't long before they hit the main road leading them straight to the castle. The main gate was heavily guarded as they walked up to it. But as they got closer the girl pushed Azrael to the side and said that they couldn't enter that way. Before he began to protest she moved further around the perimeter of the castle walls. "So how do we get in then?" She shook her head, and Azrael sighed. Perhaps the girl would be in trouble for leaving then. She asked if he would ever visit her, she was oddly trusting in strangers he thought. "Sure. You could get me some of that famous Royal Wine, right?" He said with a cheeky grin. She then mumbled about being a peasant, or something. "I am sure that your life cannot be that bad. Even peasants have their hardships you know." He looked up at the pristine white walls of the castle fortifications and couldn't pick out any guards or light from and lanterns. As he returned his gaze to level ground, he noticed that within the 'perfect walls' there were many cracks and chips, no doubt from old wars, peasant revolts or just time taking it's toll. It wouldn't be the easiest way, but Azrael was confident he could enter the castle this way, the wall was roughly 50ft. [i]Childs play.[/i] He knelt down on one knee with his back to his companion. "Here. Put your arms around my neck and hold on tight. I will have us up there before you even know it." She seemed reluctant at first, understably, but after realising that this was a seemingly valid, if not crazy option, she threw her arms around his neck. It was a good thing that it was dark tonight, because even a human sized object would be seen against the white backdrop of the castle walls. With this, Azrael started to climb the wall making use of even the smallest of hand and foot grips, it was a good thing that he had much strength in his fingers and toes, because a regular human would probably have fallen by now. He couldn't tell, but ut seemed like the girl had kept her eyes closed most of the way up. About 5ft from the top, Azrael could find no more holds or cracks to utilize. "Well, we are not going all the way back down. Hold on tight, little miss." With that, he inhumanly threw himself upwards and grabbed the edge of the wall, he then dragged himself and his passenger on to the top of the rampart. It was quite wide, but then, it did house a castle inside, it had to keep people out. Azrael checked around, but saw no signs of any patrols, looks like they were lucky, for now. "Here we are, hope that was not to scary for you. Home sweet home. Where next?" He smiled reassuringly at her, as her eyes accustomed to the familiar sight of the castle grounds.