[i]hmmm...yes. It seems there are several hearts of excellent purity and potential here, though only the tournament will show for sure...[/i] The thoughts of the man in the deep-green cloak were interrupted as David spoke up. "Not the sixteen best on Earth, child, only the sixteen best to show up to the tournament this year." The voice of Guls came out slightly muffled by his face-concealing veil, but he managed to keep any hint of a condescending veteran out of his tone despite how much he felt it at the moment. It was true that many talented fighters from across the world and occasionally beyond gathered here at the Budokai World Tournament, in fact that was Guls reason for competing himself. However, in his many, many years wandering the Earth as the Green Swordsman, he had encountered many strange and skilled fighters knowledgeable of styles of combat the majority of people here would never have heard about, all of them highly dangerous and possessed of secrets that would likely astound the fighters here, skilled though they were. Passing on knowledge of such secrets was Guls true motivation in being here. As the Green Swordsman, it was known in some very specific circles that he was master of a certain school of obscure and mystic martial arts, and though his nature as a Namekian meant he had a long time to go before he truly felt the effects of aging he had been feeling the need to pass on his knowledge and experience to the next generation as his master had done before him nearly eighty years ago now. But the students chosen for the next generation tof his school shouldn't be just anyone. So Guls had come here, to the Budokai World Tournament, where he hoped to find young warriors who were not just skilled or strong but also possessed certain characteristics to make them ideal students to carry on his master's legacy. The Green Swordsman not always a well-known figure, for though he wandered the Earth fighting against evil and oppression he never did so for fame, and at times his actions had earned him the hatred of those in power rather than their praise. But at the tournament he intended to reveal much about himself and what he could do, enough to hopefully attract the eyes of potential disciples before it was all over. For though he knew not what they were, somewhere in his being he sensed that there were great changes lying in wait for the world and that a new generation must be prepared to face them. "Still, your right that it is an honor to be in the Tournament. A show of your potential such as this can often lead to greater things if you're careful."