A few hours had passed since she had spotted that ship coming down from the skies and yet she had yet to hear anything outside of the plane. Why was it the silence outside worried her more than hearing those beasts outside her plane would have? Maybe it was the not knowing. Being unsure of what was going on was something she wasn't used to and it made her feel so weak. Very slowly, Castiel sat up from where she lay on the bed and moved from the end of the plane to the side door, reaching up on her tip toes to sneak a peak out of it. Nothing. Maybe the aliens hadn't come her way yet then? Maybe this city was still safe to travel? It was possible. After all, they may have had a lot of ground to cover and had overlooked the city they had landed next to. Whatever the reason they weren't near by though, she needed to take advantage of this and gather more supplies and weapons. Who knew ow long she might be cooped up in this place when they finally did start searching her area. She needed to be prepared when that happened. Nodding to herself once she had that in mind, she rushed over to grab her backpack, throwing it onto her back. Pushing open the heavy metal door for the second time that day(which was more than she had in months), she quickly made her way down the runway and climbed to the top of the fence. Once at the top, she scouted the area, looking around with wary eyes for anything that might seem suspicious. Once again spotting none of the aliens, she hopped down to the other side of the fence, landing gracefully before she continued to move toward the city, "So far so good..." She moved into the thicket of the city, first moving to go to the supplies store, hoping to grab mainly water bottles for now and just a little bit of food. Food she could ration and find easily, water though was something she couldn't go without. As she headed toward the food store though, she saw something she didn't expect to see. Approaching the creature laying on the ground, she slowly crouched to look at it. Dead animals was nothing new. Animals died all the time of either starvation or of being eaten by other animals But this dog looked at least fed enough to not have starved and there was no blood to show he had been attacked by another animal, "What happened to you....?" She spoke, mainly to herself, raising to her feet. Maybe coming here wasn't such a good idea. She needed to get her rations and leave. Quickly rising to her feet, she moved to the food store right up the street and went around back. This particular store she had found years ago and while there was no windows to break and both doors were locked. There was a place there that had a metal door to which the food used to be brought in and though the metal door was down and barred, she had learned years ago that she could pry a small corner of the metal door up big enough for her to crawl through. She smirked to herself as she approached it, doing just that, prying the door up and when she had crawled through it slammed back into place. She crawled into the dark and dusty storage room, making her way from there and into the main market section of the store where she set her bag down before going to her gathering. She put water bottle after water bottle in her bag, stacking and fixing them so she could fit as much as she could in there as possible. She hummed softly to herself as she did so, though it was as she did this that she hear the very familiar sound of the metal door she herself had come through. Someone was pulling back the corner she had pulled back to get into the store, and whoever this was, she didn't want to meet them, for she knew this person was likely one of [i]them[/i]. An alien. Her heart beat fast in her chest and she could feel her panic rising as she crouched there next to her bag full of waters. What could she do? If she ran surely she woudl run into them on her way back to the storage room. What if she hid? Would they find her? Maybe, but it was worth a try. Hastily zipping up her bag, she put the strap over one of her shoulders and crawled to the end of the isle, peaking around the edge of the shelves to see a silhouette with glowing eyes enter into the dark store. Cassie was frozen with fear for a moment but she was quick to get a hold of herself and back back down the isle, and move toward the other end of the store, where many of the outdoor supplies where. There she saw some fairly sturdy looking shelves. She was light and maybe if she climbed up to the top and surrounded herself was some of the items up there she could hide well enough for him to not find her. So she went to that, silently climbing up the shelves until she at least six shelves up and had climbed up to where many heavy boxes were stored. She was right, it was a fairly good hiding spot, if not for the slight swaying of the shelf at her movement. She noticed this and did her best to stay still. As long as she was still, the shelf held her weight and she was safe. She stayed up there like that for a few long moments, until she heard the footsteps of the alien approaching the outdoors section. Now, Cassie had always been a curious person and unfortunately, that curious attitude was what always got her in trouble because, as she moved slightly to lean forward and peak between the boxed down at the alien, who in her moment of peaking down she saw was a young man, the shelf began to once again teeter and this time she couldn't stabilize it in time, "No, no, no--" She screamed out in surprise as the shelf fell over and she tumbled roughly onto the ground with a pained yelp. Still, even though that hurt, she was quick to get into a crouched position, looking up at the alien, eyes wide with fear. That didn't last but a second though, because soon she was scrambling to her feet and running back toward the storage room. She had made it to the entrance when she felt him not too far behind her. In a attempt to slow him down she at first threw her bag back at him in hopes it woudl either hit him or he woudl trip over it and after that, she began knocking over box after box to block his way, swiftly making her way through the scattered mess and to her metal door. She crawled through and the corner slammed down in the aliens face, giving her more time in her run. Cassie knew this city very well. After all, she had been living near here for four years and that was an advantage to her because this alien chasing her didn't. Yet, he seemed to be doing very way at catching up to her which was why she was throwing things back at him and in his path every chance she got. She moved form the streets to the alley ways, turning corner after corner, hoping to throw him off, but so far it wasn't working very well. Turning another corner she moved to quickly pull on something on the side of one of the buildings, the ladder sliding down with a rough tug at the rusted metal and she climbed swiftly up, to the roof of on of the buildings. Still, even when she was up, she could hear the metal of the ladder shaking as the alien began climbing up as well. She cursed and started running again, jumping down the one of the other roofs and doing the same across some of the other roofs as well. She was doing well at this at first, that was, until she made it to a roof that was impossible for her to jump to without falling off. pinning around wide eyed, her golden blonde hair blowing in the harsh winds of the rooftops, she saw the alien approaching the roof top she was on and she went to reach for her pistol, only to grow even more scared. In her tumbling about her pistol had dropped from her pocket and was no longer there. Now, she was left defenseless against this alien that was likely out to kill her or do what ever it was these aliens wanted to do with the humans for all she knew. In a last attempt to protect herself she grabbed a nearby thin metal pole, holding it tightly in her shaking hands as the alien finally made it to her roof and she was quick to take a swing in his direction. She knew she wouldn't be able to fight him off but at least she wasn't about to go down without a fight. She took another swing with the pole hoping to hit him, "Get away from me!"