[centre][img=http://i.imgur.com/WsAKecR.png][/centre] huh I wonder whats going on in this thread oh wait its a lame thing for losers aka everyone not me aka everyone aka also you [i]*lights up 'clove' cigarette*[/i] ayy lmao east coast beast coast dirty south represent atl bank head what up what up hue hue hue gibe mone b0ss [i]*busts up your TV*[/i] i close my eyes and seize it i clench my fist and beat it i light my torch and burn it-- [i]*shoots up your couch *[/i] i am the beast i worship [i]*kidnaps your qt3.14159 gf*[/i] see ya later neeeeeeeerd!!!!!!!! [i]*spills spaghetti on way out*[/i]