[center][b][u]Collab between Sage and BBeast[/b][/u][/center] --- Near the southern entrance of Kell, where the largest main road leading into the city was built, a long array of multi-story buildings created a sort of "second layer" to the city. This sort of architecture was commonplace in many urban cities, especially in Gaia. Where there were tall buildings, there were small skywalks built along the sides of them, often seven or eight stories up. These skywalks weren't nearly as big as skyways, which were also only found in cities that used the layering architecture system. Instead, they resembled translucent sidewalks connecting actual, solid sidewalks that extended from the sides of the building. While one building may have been the office for a local stock company, the second level above could have easily been an apartment complex, complete with its own main entrance/lobby found on the base of the second layer. In most cities, the second or even third layer was where most shuttle parking lots were found. As such, Pitstop was also built on the second layer of Kell, near a large, multi-story carriage parking lot. Ishigo and Zachary had taken one of eight large lifts located on the corners of various streets, much like subway entrances in other cities. It took them straight to a small gathering location on the second layer, still on solid road. The skywalks that connected their side of the second level sidewalk to the other building's sidewalk was rather close. They checked a nearby directory and found that Pitstop was actually the closest building to the gate. It was large and had five stories (all built on the second layer). The first level was for pedestrians and served as a main lobby/front desk. The four levels above it were all reserved for garage space, with six garage entrances (and consequently, six shuttle spots) per level. In total, the Pitstop could hold and work on twenty four shuttles at a time, which was more than enough space for its usual traffic. However, in spite of recent events, all but two spaces were occupied with various shuttles of varying size and shape. Ishigo continued to walk towards the large building, having crossed the skywalk to the other side. The two were now on solid sidewalk, and minutes away from the shop. [i]'Shit... I forgot....'[/i] Ishigo, struck by realization, sighed and looked to Zachary. "If I remember correctly, you have to get ID'd before buying any fuel packs..." he stated. "It's crucial we try to minimize our records. You still up for this?" he asked, already beginning to brainstorm possible alternatives. Zachary took a moment before his memory caught up. "I've been through the restricted purchases process a couple of times when working on my Masters and PhD. For something like shuttle cores, they check your ID, ask for the purpose of purchase and enter it into a database. There's probably a simple watchlist check, too, but how deep that watchlist goes I don't know. I should be fine. If we're traced through that, we should be long gone by then." Ishigo nodded. The risk was reasonable, the whole point of taking it was so that they could leave and reach safety. "Alright, let's do it, then," he responded as they reached the building. He opened the door and stepped inside a lobby that was more occupied than he'd imagined. People were sitting on benches built into the sides, possibly waiting for their shuttles to refuel. Luckily, there wasn't any sort of line at the front desk, and Ishigo nodded for Zachary to proceed. Zachary approached the counter. The man behind it nodded at him and asked, "How may I help you?" Zachary responded, "I would like to purchase six Type C Kinetic Cores and two Type F Gravity Cores." "Do you have ID?" the man asked. Zachary fished the card out of his pocket- just about the only possession from before the cataclysm he hadn't lost or replaced- and handed it to the man. He tapped a few keys on the computer beside him and after a few seconds asked, "Purpose of purchase?" Zachary hadn't yet given much thought to this, but he figured that honesty would serve to an extent. "Stocking up for a shuttle trip." The man tapped the information into the computer. Then the man looked up and gave Zachary a smile, "OK, we should have the cores ready in a minute. That will be 2000 Laurels. " "Thank you," Zachary replied, handing over the cash from his pockets. The man thanked him in return, handed a receipt and Zachary moved back to Ishigo. Ishigo felt an inner wave of relief flood over him, though a completely normal expression was present on his face. He nodded to Zachary as he neared, "I'll let the others know," he said before reaching for his holopad and pressing a few buttons on the holographic interface. He called Raeven, Julian, and Arianna, though only the first two responded. "Listen, we've got the cores and we're ready to head out. Let everyone know to meet up back at the shuttle, me and Zachary will be there shortly," he said. "That went surprisingly well..." he said to Zachary. He wasn't so sure of their objective, but it was mostly due to him overthinking their situation. Ishigo still wasn't used to being outside Sovereign; he often forgot that he didn't have to worry for his life with every move he made. Another employee came out from a back room with a box on a trolley. "Here you go." Zachary bent down and opened the box to check its contents. Satisfied, he picked up the large box and thanked the men. Then to Ishigo he said, "Okay, let's go."