Our world is surrounded by heroes. Heroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash. They dart around their cities, saving people, fighting crime, fighting super powered enemies. But once those enemies are apprehended, where are they imprisoned? What holding facility contains these dangerous entities? In Belle Reve, Louisiana, the US government runs a maximum security penitentiary for meta humans and other criminals dubbed by the press as "Supervillains."This is public Knowledge. What isn't known, is that of these Supervillains, a few are selected by US operative Amanda Waller to serve in black ops, high risk missions as expendable agents for the US government. Officially, they're called Task Force X. To the agents themselves, it's called the [img=http://dccomicsnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/suicide-squad.jpg] The Suicide Squad was set up for a unique purpose, to provide black operations for the US government in exchange for reduced prison sentences. The catch is, is that every agent is expendable, and the missions are often living up to the name. Director Amanda Waller heads up this new task force, assigning missions as necessary. Occasionally, the DOJ will hand down omega-level missions, but otherwise Amanda Waller will choose their assignments. As of 0900, the team consists of Four. That four was culled from 37 inmates kidnapped and tortured. 36 are still ongoing. Amanda Waller has already decided on their first mission: Once the team is Formed, they will be dropped from a plane into hostile territory in Biyalia, under cover of night. From there, they'll be on their own. Reverse Flash has more details. Rules: no killing off PCs. No godmodding DC Supervillains only, Please. Characters like Superman and Batman will be rejected. No godlike characters. This includes General Zod, Faora, and others of the like. Have fun. You may have multiple Characters. Character Sheet: Real Name: Code name: Prison Inmate #: Appearance:(please use a photo and a description.) History: (reinvent their history.) Powers/Abilities:(You Can use DC Wiki)I Roster: [b]DeathstrokeSW[/b]-Reverse-Flash/Eobard Thawne, Clark Kent/Ultraman, Thomas Wayne Junior/Owlman, Professor Martin Stein/Deathstorm, Grid. [Team Leader] [b]Teal[/b]-Deathstroke/Slade Wilson [b]YoshiSkittlez[/b]-Rose Worth/Ravager-pending Teal's return [b]Natty[/b]-Captain Boomerang/ George "Digger" Harkness --------------------