Ryu was beyond bored, a fact he would have stated if he hadn't been band from doing so about thirty minutes before by the jounin who were escorting him. They seemed to have gotten sick of hearing it for 3 days straight, as is to be suspected, but how could he not be. He was about to say to hell with it, when he saw their destination, Takigakure, the village hidden in the waterfall. He was taken to small area with a waterfall, as well as another person wearing a straw hat. The jounin gave him his belongings, and than made it crystal clear, that if he tried to sneak away from this place, he would be in for a world of hurt, to which he nodded vigorously to show his understanding. After that, they left him alone with the other kid, another jinchuriki he assumed. Walking over, he gave a small wave of greeting, before introducing himself. "Hello, my name's Ryu Kaguya, my number is 4, now why don't you tell me, what's yours?" Ryu laughed a little at his improvised rap, wondering how annoying it would be to meet someone who actually talked like this all the time in real life would be.