[b]Gunnos[/b] “Eeek!” Jeenee suddenly screamed, pointing at Shor’Gen as he emerged from a mound of foam, his carapace chipped and covered in gore. It made such a fearsome sight that even Gunnos’ heart skipped a beat when he turned around and saw it. For a brief moment, they all instinctively fumbled for their weapons, until it dawned on them that it was, in fact, their lead physician. “Gods, ye spooked us,” he said while waving at the others to lower their weapons. The foam was thinning a bit now, revealing the two invaders that Shor’gen had ambushed and disembowelled. “Correction, six hostiles down. No others in sight, but stay on guard,” he spoke into his earpiece, before turning back to Shor’gen. “Good job, bud. The four o’ us are unscathed for now, but I think we gained two valuable pris’ners.” He looked down at the two silverclad that lay knock-out on the ground. They surely had a concussion and perhaps some broken bones, but seemed in no mortal danger at first sight. “Jeenee and Ruddus, go find somethin' to tie em up before they wake, and get em over to the brig if ye can. Greet and I will try te meet up with Daniel, just in case. Doc, once we’re out o’ danger, check the pris'ners for internal injuries. Can’t have em die on us. Oh, and be careful with yeself, ye seem quite wounded. We'd hate te lose someone like ye." With that, Gunnos and Greet set out to join with Daniel, leaving Shor'gen in the care of Jeenee and Ruddus, or more likely the other way around. [b]Kwon[/b] Kwon had been closely monitoring the events throughout the rest of the ship through his live feed, while hastily getting the ship ready for lift-off. The captain was not on board yet, but help was coming to him, it seemed. Two groups of intruders had been dealt with, but there were others still inside, at least a few. “Attention security,” he spoke into the intercom. “The area around the breach appears secure, but there are intruders left across the second and maybe first floor. They’ve broken some of the cameras, so I can’t track them.” When a path was finally formed, in a more literal way than expected, and the captain was on his way to the entrance, Kwon wasted no more time. He felt iffy about lifting off with enemies still inside, but they had to get out of here. He activated the Antigrav Generator and the ship slowly rose off the ground, just as the last few made their way through the entrance. “Roger that, captain. The sliding roof of the hangar is jammed with debris, I fear. We’re gonna have to bash through. Prepare for some turbulence!” With the Exeralune off the ground and the doors finally closed, the invaders broke off their fruitless assault and scurried for cover against the ship's turrets. On the far end of the hangar, a hole had been blown in the crystal wall that sealed the entrance and some of the soldiers were retreating. “Gunners, concentrate firepower on the hangar roof, else we might not get through.” The thrusters were powerful enough to blow them through the roof, surely, but Kwon would rather avoid tilting the entire ship, and the lift of an antigrav generator would only get them so far. The gunners were quick to start firing at the ceiling, the pherza bullets blowing small smouldering holes in the plasteel rafters. Meanwhile, Kwon slowly spun the ship around its axis, directing the turrets to carve out a circle large enough to surround the Exeralune. When the circle was nearly complete, the roof began moaning loudly like a structure about to collapse, and Kwon knew it was time to move. The ship took off upwards, bashing into the severely damaged ceiling, and suddenly a portion of the roof was torn from the rest of the building and lifted up with the ship. Once up in the air, he activated the thrusters and the ship took off towards the stratosphere, leaving the slab of hangar roof to slide off its back and crash back down to the ground. “Lift-off successful, captain.”