[B]APPROVED[/B] [img]http://i.imgur.com/IjCMlUQ.png?1[/img] [b]Real Name: [/b] George "Digger" Harkness [b]Code name: [/b] Captain Boomerang [b]Prison Inmate #: [/b] #609 [b]Date Of Birth[/b] 15th February, 1977 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/4/46646/3715409-8670479372-tumbl.jpg[/img] Standing at 5'9, Digger has a mass of messy red hair on his head, with the sides of his face covered by scruffy facial hair. He is often seen sporting a dark blue trenchcoat, with a utility belt slung over his shoulder and across his chest containing various boomerangs. He also carries around a satchel containing the rest of his arsenal, as well as generally being a secure place to store loot received from his heists. [b]History: [/b] George "Digger" Harkness began his days in Kurrumburra, Australia with his parents Ian and Betty Harkness. From an early age it was obvious that Ian hated the boy. He shouted at him, swore at him and when he was drunk, beat him. This all became apparent later when Digger discovered that Ian wasn't his real father, with a man named Mr Wiggins actually being his father instead! This Mr Wiggins had visited the boy often when he was little, before moving away to America. Before leaving, the man gave George an old wooden boomerang that had belonged to him as a child. Ian hated it, caused George to love it even more in order to spite him. The boy played with it everyday, smashing bottles in the garden. He quickly mastered the "weapon", with him being able to hit nearly anything with it, moving or standing. His life took a darker turn however when a very drunk Ian caught him practicing one autumn evening. Ian interrupted the boy mid-throw with a drunken slur, causing him to miss its return, with the piece of wood hitting Ian instead. The man flew into a fit of rage, attacking the now 16 year old George. Fighting back, George overpowered him, with him ending the struggling by beating Ian to death with his boomerang. It was then that George fled his home, stealing Ian's truck and whatever money he had lying around, as well as a box full of valuables that Ian had hidden under his bed. It was from the notes in this box that George, now going by Digger, discovered the true identity of his father and decided to travel to America to find him. More particularly, Central City. He spent a few weeks performing petty crimes such as robbing convenient stores before leaving the country in order to raise some quick case for himself, a task he continued to do after arriving in central city. America however was different than Australia. Here criminals ran around in tights, battling it out with so-called Superheroes. Digger decided he may as well do the same, with his trusty old boomerang giving him inspiration. Tracking down his real Father, Digger revealed himself to Mr Wiggins as his son, who took him under his wing. Mr Wiggins was CEO of a major Toy Corporation, so as a gift to Digger, he gave him a job in any department he wished. Instead Digger requested the design of a new toy. Something classic for the kids. A boomerang. Wiggins agreed and entrusted Digger to oversee the project. This was all part of his plan however, as Digger hijacked the project, editing the designs in order to build himself an arsenal of trick boomerangs. After a few weeks, Captain Boomerang was born, using his creations to break into Wiggins's vault. He nearly got away with a couple million before he was apprehended by Central City's own hero, The Flash. After breaking out, Digger fell in with the Rogues of Central City along the side of Captain Cold, Mirror Master and the like. Throughout the years of service with the team, through numerous heists, prison sentences and breakouts, Digger always felt second best compared to the others. Deciding to change that after discovering that after deciding to break into Star Labs in order to plunder some new technology for the Rogues, hoping that doing so would gain him respect. Without anyone else's knowledge he broke in and all was going well. That was until he was spotted by a lone security guard. In his panic, Digger killed him, which resulted in the arrival of the police, and worse still, The Flash. Managing to fend them off for some time, Harkness called in Cap' Cold, requesting backup of his own. His leader scoffed, informing him that it was his own fault as he had broken the Rogue's one rule; No killing. Captain Boomerang was quickly apprehended and sent to Belle Reve, where he was met with a mysterious woman named Amanda Waller. [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] While Harkness has no real superhuman abilities, he is skilled in the area of creating and using complicated boomerangs of his own designs as weapons. Examples of his arsenal includes: [hider=Boomerangs] [list][*]Explosive Boomerang: Detonates on contact, damage to all in one area. [*]Razor Boomerang: A boomerang capable of cutting through bone and flesh when thrown correctly.[/list] Both of these designs are collapsible for easy concealment. [/hider]