[quote=Pepperm1nts] The rest depends on how much Aaron wants to involve the Courier. I am under the impression that Courier involvement is being kept to a minimum (pretty much limited to chasing Ulysses) so as to avoid contradictions and prevent people from making claims involving the Courier that don't really make sense or fit with what has been decided for the plot. Like, it'd be weird if one player claims the Courier helped the NCR, and then another player says the Courier helped the Legion. To avoid that, I figured we'd be limiting Courier involvement to following Ulysses. But again, it's up to Aaron. We'll see what he says when he's back. [/quote] Pretty much. We can assume that he followed one of the paths that involved the Platinum chip but ultimately did not side with House for certain. He also destroyed the Securitron army so he probably wouldn't be in deep with Yes Man. In the end his endeavors didn't really matter as they did since he fell to, or Ulysses convinced him to destroy the NCR and Legion's missions in the Mojave. Ulysses himself disappeared. Probably the only parties who in the end would have an idea oh the scale of The Courier's actions would be NCR intelligence or the Legion Scouts. But the actions of the former Courier wouldn't matter since the Legion is broken down into a collection of squabbling claimants and the NCR is dealing with intensive self-examination and the Mojave has basically fallen off their long-term map.