[img=http://www.stileria.com.br/wp-content/gallery/passeio-homem/1965013_873557172662379_4203855101843368720_n.jpg] Name: Dorian Beau Greaves IV Age: 20 Height: 6'1 Personality: Dorian grew up isolated from children and those even relatively close to his age. Being surrounded by men double his age has matured him, especially in terms of obedience. Despite his valiance and revered obsequious behavior in his training to become an outstanding prince, he has always been spoiled. By furtively degrading his servants, Dorian had a poor reputation with those other than his mentors and family. Even so, he detested his mentors, viewing them as incompetent or unworthy. Dissatisfied, Dorian sought a better mentor and an even better companion. The Eastern wind tangled through his chestnut hair, bringing the scent of the salty ocean with it as it caressed his face. He could hear the sounds of the ruthless waters smashing against the rocks that made up the coast and feel the water droplets as they rained down on him. After so long of living in his father's castle, he knew all of the secret places that scattered the fort. His favorite would always be the little cave on the shores where he could skip as many rocks as he desired and abandon his duties as a prince, even only for a short while. After tossing a few rocks, Dorian quickly grew bored. He was expecting his father's soldiers to return from their expedition. He hated being ignorant to the affairs of the outside world, but also felt it was much more luxurious to remain in the comforts of his castle. He was not a stranger to the stories that came with the outside world. The tales of starving and suffering people amused him more than concerned him. He had seen them himself on the very rare occasions he ventured outside the walls. He greatly admired the hardworking citizens that lived an honest trade. Unlike the citizens Dorian admired, he never worked for his position as he was born into it. Studying arithmetic, Latin, swordsmanship, and etiquette was his schedule throughout the days. While he lived comfortably, there was a war raging on outside the fort's walls. The minimal time he had with his father turned into none and only left Dorian bitter. His training became more vigorous and draining, but Dorian did not complain once. He was as obedient as a dog, but revered as any prince should be. He was, after all, the next-in-line to the throne. Content with his time in his secret hiding place, Dorian rolled up his sleeves which were wet. The prince returned to the castle, wondering if one of the servants was tasked with the feat of finding him. Or perhaps they gave up, seeing how Dorian had a terrible reputation with his servants. He treated them harshly, degrading them as well. What used to be harmless pranks as a child eventually matured into cruel misdemeanors. Testing his servant's capabilities, he often pushed them to their limits. With his father busy, they only became more frequent. Nonetheless, his reputation among his mentors and peers remained spotless.