[center][i]Wh... What.. ?![/i][/center] Fifteen minutes after falling into a random snooze, the caffeine from the coffee stimulated her being. She brutally woke up upon feeling her abdomen being stabbed as if she was greeted by the sensation the instant she started sleeping. The shock caused her to jump in fright and her hat to fall off her head. Her neck had gotten sore from the sudden movement and her head ached for a minute or two. "[b]Ugh... Not this again.[/b]" She rubbed her eyes with her gloved hand, combining this action with a short and weak yawn. '[i]Did you fall again? Or did something kill you?[/i]' asked the Kage now manifested on the desk before her. "[b]I thought you could read my mind and thus look into my dreams.[/b]" '[i]I can, only if you let me. I can either talk to you and you'll hear me or you can choose to share your thoughts with me.[/i]' he explained, though he could recall explaining this before, or maybe the idea seemed a bit too obvious for him to bother to explain earlier. "[b]Uh-huh.[/b]" She got up from her seat, dropping her white coat in that same action so it could lay neatly on the leather chair. She didn't want to wear it anymore as it was covered in her blood, especially on her right sleeve. Her shirt was relatively clean and only had a lone stain around the bullet hole. She'd be able to conceal it with a new coat she'd righteously search for in the large locker next to the couch. This time, she took a black coat, giving less contrast with the black tie she was wearing but it gave her a rather grim appearance. The only once of white remaining on her body would be her gloves and the shirt behind her coat. Once dressed, her office's door was abruptly opened without a single knock by a subordinate officer, apparently with urgent news. "[b]Major Keifers ma'am. Apologies for barging in but you were not answering your paging on your computer.[/b]" Carol-Ann wasn't immediately sure how to process was going on. She felt like it would be appropriate to lash out on the man, but on the other hand she didn't check her messages because of her on-duty nap. She didn't want the man to question her reasons for not replying, so she simply acted as anyone else would. "[b]Alright. What's the matter?[/b]" "[b]A drone under the Kell Police Department reported a high level of suspicious activity and a mass of spiritual energy being manifested in the area. Host presence is almost guaranteed.[/b]" Reported the stout officer, standing stiff and stoic at the office's entrance while informing the major. "[b]Oh?[/b]" Carol-Ann's expression reverted to the typically calm woman with an ambiguous curiosity. She walked slowly toward the officer, ruffling her somewhat messy hair to set it straight again. "[b]Indeed. We've also managed to scan the area and we've noticed a signal similar to the one emitted by the Golden Mercenaries' crafts. Usually we couldn't be able to detect one of these without pinpoint tracking, however the current activity there made the search much easier.[/b]" The deranged woman chuckled in happiness toward the piece of intel she was being shared. Without even stopping her regular gait, she passed the officer and stepped out of her office. The man was a bit puzzled with what she had just done, unsure if he was dismissed or if he was going to be asked something. Like many officers, he knew what were the hunters, and he knew who Major Keifers was. Thus he didn't move an inch. She simply left him, without saying a single word, and marched toward the hangar. "[b]George, get my guys in the Albatross in one minute... And also, I think it's about time we get some field testing going. Bring [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/336/4/8/Deoxys_Attack_Forme_by_Xous54.png]tentacle boy[/url].[/b]" She ordered via her holopad watch to an old, fat man set in the main control room of the base. "[b]Hyehye, alright m'lady, eight cats and a rabid comin' right up![/b]" Her solemn posture had not changed during her quick stroll through the enlightened corridor leading to the hangars. Once in the large space filled with many vehicle parts and parked shuttles, she'd immediately notice the gargantuan white ship parked in the center of the building. It was the Albatross, a transport-type shuttle used to carry a large number of soldiers and occasionally used as reinforced security for top priority packages. In this case, she was bringing her squad of eight along with a crew of twenty basic soldiers whom the presence was currently mandatory during Host field testing. She entered the large ship and took her spot in the control room, supervising the two pilots of the huge piece of metal. The former Roy and now slave of the M.A.T was loaded in while kept in a titanium pod for security reasons, accompanied by the escorting soldiers. Everyone was in the cargo ship, ready to take action. Carol-Ann now only needed to confirm the need for intervention. There wasn't a doubt, such readings and supernatural events combined with the previous stolen ship landing near that same area would easily justify the current means. As she inserted a specific code on the hologram formed before her, the two pilots had the authorization to take off. The flying Goliath took off without a second to lose, propelling itself at great speeds toward Kell. This shuttle was the smallest class of heavy transport ships, effectively making it the fastest way to bring along multiple squads for interventions. It wasn't going to be too long before it would near the skies of Kell's territory, and anyone who wasn't deaf could hear the dwarfing ship nearing the space above them. Meanwhile, Keifers had ordered the nearby ground troops of Kell and the local police to stand down and wait for her next orders. The Albatross was going to impose fear to the hosts who knew what the military would do to them, and the more easily intimidated of the bunch would inevitably make a glaring mistake.