UserName: Enalais Character name:Korgal Vorinclex Age: Seems to be around twenty but in reality is centuries old. Mageblood type:Enalais Favoured Magic Class:Cyromancy Previous Magic training: N/a Race: Orc Appearance: [hider=Apperance] [img=] He has whip scars all along his back from his time as a slave to a innkeeper.[/hider] Short Bio:Korgal was born to a small orc tribe in the north, his mother was a seer and his father was a warrior who left shortly after the boys birth. While Korgal never knew his father all that well, his mother spoke highly of him, the great warrior Karnage. He used to go to bed at night dreaming of being great like his father, dreaming that one day he would meet his father and they could fight together. Korgal grew up like his mother he cared for people, and cherished all life. He lived a pretty carefree childhood, it was shortly after his thirteenth birthday in the dead of winter, that another tribe threatened their way of life. It started with small harassing raids then it esclated. It ended with them attacking the tribe and killing many, the great warrior that was his father was still nowhere to be found nor did he interfere on behalf of the tribe. The raiders enslaved his mother and some of the other females and they tried to catch the young orcling. They chased him out into the wilderness nearby and eventually pinned the boy against a frozen lake. Korgal had two choices attempt to run across the frozen lake, or be taken prisoner, choosing the first option the boy ran across the lake. He didn't even make it halfway before the ice cracked and broke under the orcling. The cold took the boy, what happened next he couldn't explain but he reached out with his mind and he froze the whole lake encasing himself in ice like a tomb. The lake remained frozen for centuries all season round, people spoke of it being cursed, others spoke of a sad tale. But as time moves on legends and stories are forgotten and things change. A town had recently been established not far from the lake and the orclings now abandoned tribal lands. And a few men from the town decided for an ice fishing trip, as soon as the ice was cut the lake returned to normal and the orcling found himself gasping for air on the surface of the lake. When the villagers pulled him from the water they asked all of these questions that the orcling did not understand nor did he care to listen, running back to his home he found that his tribal lands had long since been overgrown and nothing remained of his home, it's said that his cries echoed for miles around the centuries old orc had lost everything he loved and now he was alone with strange pink men. The squishy pink men brought him to their tribal homes, their buildings were strange. They all argued about what to do with the orc, he didn't understand their language he was confused. Later he would understand that some of the more racist people within the town wanted him dead and the others wanted him to live amongst them. One of villagers a innkeeper stood up for Korgal and offered to take him in. He couldn't understand the man, but his daughter spoke the orcish tribal trade language. He understood her and through her the innkeeper spoke to Korgal. The daughter was a kind girl she showed Korgal kindness and compassion, it wasn't an alien concept to Korgal who returned his kindness back to the girl and his new adoptive family by bringing in flowers to decorate the inn every week. The innkeeper on the other hand was a violent and cruel man who used Korgal as a over glorified bar maid and bouncer, when the orc didn't respond the orc was whipped with a massive bull whip he barrowed from the farmer. But still Korgal was grateful to him for giving him a home and didn't fight back. Korgal spent eight years in the inn, his body finally aging the way it should be after being frozen in ice, during those eight years he had learned to speak the pink skins language, they called themselves humans. Most of the humans in the town have come to accept the orc as their own with the execption of the innkeeper and some of his closest friends. During a busy time in the inn Korgal made a mistake an spilled some drinks, instead of understanding the innkeeper grabbed his big bullwhip and went for the orc. Fed up of her fathers treatment of Korgal his daughter took a stand and took a nasty lash meant for the orc, it was at this moment the kind orc faded away replaced with the beserkers of old, grabbing the whip mid lash he pulled the innkeeper by it and began to beat the inn keeper, his fists taking on that of solid ice making them into deadly weapons. But the fact that this man took him in stopped Korgal from killing him. The town shocked about what happened, and shocked about the orc manfiesting the ability to use magic the town convened to discuss the orcs fate. When they were done they told the orc about the college and said he could go there if he wished, or he could stay in town with someone else. Feeling bad for what he did the orc left heading to this mysterious college and his new life. Good Attributes: Korgal is a kind and sweet orc he loves everybody he meets and is quick to make friends, his loyalty to his friends is a good trait as well as a bad trait he will keep his friends safe until the end but he can easily be manipulated by people through his loyalty. Bad Attributes: Going back to his loyalty, he also will not fight any living thing unless it's hurt one of his friends, he isn't easily provoked for an orc and his peaceful ways tend to get him into all sorts of troubles. Secret Word: Rebirth