hello there wonderful stranger. thanks for stopping by! just a bit about me, before we get into the technical stuff ⤵ ⤞ the name's prince pudding. feel free to call me prince pudding, prince, pudding, or whatever else floats your boat. ⤞ i am a trans male, and appreciate he/him pronouns. if this bothers you, best you be on your way. ⤞ my age is irrelevant. but if you must know, i am mature enough to handle myself. ⤞ i'm new to the site, but have been roleplaying for 5+ years and consider myself advanced. ⤞ i am on quite a lot, and usually post at least one a day, depending on post size. i go by eastern time. ⤞ i love to brainstorm ideas and discuss plots/characters. ⤞ i don't caps in ooc. let me know is a problem.