I would like to give some of my rough ideas on what technologies this cyberpunk world has. -Kevlar Skin (surgery): Tough skins. Usually found used by long-experienced gang members (the surgery ain't cheap). -Turret-Mounted Security Cameras: These security camera are self-explanatory. But the tech quality differs between D0-9, and D10-17. For example, D0-9 cameras could hover around, and was replaced with a tranquilizer, rather than a turret (cause they don't like things to be messy). -Cybernetically Enhanced (Police) Dogs: Very self-explained. Though rarely used by other than the police. -Wheel-less cars (working name): They hover instead. Cause it's the future. And if they did have tires, it would get stolen very often anyway. -Trackers (though called something else, commercially): Recent technologies that could be found implanted on younger children's brain. This was made to "Prevent" crime. It's illegal to remove it, one way or another. -Black-Sphere: This world's equivalent to the PS3/4 and XB360/O. It's a game console that's a small and light sphere, that could be carried on one hand. Colors out so far are Red, Black, Silver (plain), Green, Navy, and Turquoise. -Barricade Shield: An advanced version of a barricade tape. Only police are allow in and out. It opens up it's shield when it recognizes a police ID. Otherwise, it'll stay shut. And trying to touch it burns, since it's closed off areas with a laser wall.