Nation: The Enclave Location: Pearl Harbor Icon:[img=] History: After the fall of the oil rig. As some of the forces moved east or stayed in the west trying to hide among the citizens Captain Luke Conrad a ace Vertibird pilot took his squadron of 3 Vertibirds to Pearl Harbor. After it had been such a hope in World War 2 Once again he hoped it would inspire Nationalism among the population. With the 2 Vault in Hawaii filled with pure Americans the Captain easily got them to rejoin the New United States with Honolulu as it's capital. Through the generations The Enclave was able to find more working armor in Pearl Harbor and some bombers however they didn't have the materials to make more and the populace is growing to large they must expand east once more. Also what started as a military dictatorship is slowly turning into a republic with a small senate of 15 chosen leaders and one Supreme Chancellor. While the Supreme Chancellor is normally a civilian leader it's most recent one was a general by the name of James Conrad. His promise of expansion and reclaiming american earned him the votes soon he'll need the senate support. Name:The American Reunification Effort (NCR) Location: The Hub History: After the fall of the nukes and lose of the Dam these Patriotic Americans wish to find the enclave and reunite with them while the numbers are small with power declining and food shortage this small rag tag group may rise to the leadership role of the NCR. (The Leader Mena Daily was implanted by the enclave forces to secure support for the arrival)