Serix let out his breath in relief when the human chose to comply with his demands. He didn’t have to kill her… yet. He followed her down the ladder and hopped to the ground, fixing the barrel of his Silencer on her in case she tried to make any sudden move to escape. Instead, she began to walk slowly into the city. He walked after her, staying close and keeping his weapon trained on her back. They traveled in silence for a while. Serix noticed the human was sneaking glances at him. A smile played on the corner of his lip. It seemed like she was just as curious about him as he was about her. He didn’t know much about the lifespans of humans, but she looked to be about the same age as him. Considering she was also young, perhaps it was the first time she had encountered a Lunairan. He was tempted to ask, but the human spoke first. [b]“Do all your kind have those glowing violet eyes? Or do you all have different eye colors?”[/b] she asked. Serix looked at her in amusement. Of all things, she was interested in his eyes? Yet maybe this was the opportunity he was looking for. He could trade information with her. It wouldn’t matter. She would be dead soon anyways. “We all have the same shade of purple in our eyes. It’s one of our distinguishing features,” Serix confirmed. “Now it’s my turn.” He stopped walking and leaned in close to the human, putting his face right next to hers and looking into her eyes. “Do all humans have blue eyes?” His gaze flicked up to her hair. “And I’ve never seen that light color before. Do all humans have yellow hair?” He had already asked two questions and he had to stop himself from asking more. It was so difficult. He wanted to pour out everything at once, but he knew he had to pace himself so the human wouldn’t get overwhelmed. He blinked, waiting for her to answer.