Serix straightened his posture when the human reeled back from him, “’Personal space’? No, I’ve never heard the term, but I think I understand the concept.” He listened to her explanation about human hair and eye colors. So humans had various physical differences? That was something different between the Earthlings and the Lunairans. Apart from some rare genetic mutations, all of his people had luminescent violet eyes, dark hair, and fair skin. The variations in human traits intrigued him. The human began circling him. Serix tensed up slightly and followed her with his eyes as she moved behind him, unsure of what she was trying to do. He relaxed a bit when he saw curiosity in her eyes rather than malice, but his finger still hovered over the trigger of his Silencer just in case she was trying to trick him. [b]“In fact, you're really different from what I thought the aliens would look like. I expected your kind to be more....well....strange? But you look kind of like a human. Minus your eye color that is,”[/b] she said when she finished looking him over. Serix let out a curt laugh at the comment about their similarity. “Actually,” he said. “You humans look like [i]us[/i]. From my understanding, we came first.” He followed her as she started walking again. Up ahead, the creature he killed earlier still lay on the ground. The human approached the corpse, looked down at it for a moment, and then glanced back at him, apparently making the connection. [b]“You killed it, didn't you?”[/b] she said, confirming his thoughts. [b]“How did you do it? It's a pretty clean kill. No blood or anything.”[/b] Serix hesitated, shifting his weight. He didn’t like the idea of openly explaining Lunairan technology to a human. He had to remind himself that it didn’t matter. She wouldn’t be around long enough to spread the word to any other surviving Earthlings, so it wasn’t necessarily a treasonous act on his part. “With this,” he held up his weapon again so she could see it. “We call it a Silencer. It uses electroshock technology to seize up the target’s muscles and stop its heart.” He paused, narrowing his eyes. “Don’t think for a moment you can use it to kill me, though. Even if you were somehow able to steal it away from me, it wouldn’t do you any good. The voltage is strong enough to take out one of your kind, but it takes more than a simple electric shock to kill one of us.” He left out the important little detail that it was still potent enough to knock him off his feet and give her enough time to escape. “Anyways,” Serix waved the human on. “Keep moving. I want to see the rest of the survivors.”