[b]Note:[/b] Byrd will join up shortly, and his character will be closely associated with The Hub. The Hub will be controlled by me primarily, but his character will have a lot of influence too. This is so I can share the burden that comes with controlling The Hub. [b]Nation:[/b] The Hub, New California Republic [b]Location:[/b] Core Region, southern California [b]Icon:[/b] I 'unno [b]History:[/b] By 2281, The Hub had become one of the most important states in the NCR. Home to the Republic's most successful caravan companies, The Hub became the Republic's primary trading center. An economic powerhouse, The Hub was home to the largest community of traders and thriving businesses, making it an important place for trade and a vital stopping point for all major roads in the Republic. This brought immense wealth to the state, transforming The Hub into an economic giant able to exert its power to shift the politics of the Republic at a moment's notice. A founding state of the New California Republic, The Hub played a major role in its politics. Where it could not assert its will politically, it did economically, often forcing its competitors into submission through economic warfare. A vital supply line to a rival state could be cut with the snap of a finger, and reinstated again once The Hub's wishes were met. Everything from chems to guns, food and material came from The Hub, and was supplied to all corners of the Republic through the use of its major caravan companies. The Hub could at times be a lifesaver, bringing settlements from the brink of starvation and cashing in favors down road from those whose life it saved. Other times, it was a killer. Sanctions and the re-routing of major trade routes to avoid passing through rival settlements, among other things, could break its enemies without a shot fired. Though once home to a thriving criminal underground, The Hub has since been cleaned up to an extent. Criminal groups that threatened its existence and scared away business were swiftly dealt with and corruption on all levels saw a sharp decrease. A black market still exists, however, and goes undisturbed by the state's authority, The Hub Central Council, made up of representatives from the major caravan companies. Following the disaster in the Mojave Wasteland, The Hub saw further liberties reestablished, and although still a part of the New California Republic, acts on a semi-independent basis with a powerful say in the Republic's policies, but with an increased freedom to act independently. This has lead to The Hub asserting its power over the rest of the states through political and economic means, getting what it wants through threats of economic destruction, or a halt to the delivery of vital supplies. It stands as the turbulent republic's largest settlement, its authority and power second to only Shady Sands itself -- though it's no secret The Hub pulls strings even in the capital. The Hub has entered a period of cautiousness in the wake of the disaster in the Mojave. It has, as of recently, focused on dealing with the effects brought on by the bombs that saw its eastern interests destroyed and the NCR presence relied on to continue business withdrawn. It has put its energies towards strengthening its position in California even further and minimizing the damage caused by the Republic's recent failures.