Requesting another faction. [b]Name:[/b] The State of Klamath [b]Location:[/b] Klamath Falls, Oregon [b]History:[/b] Klamath is one of the most boring, yet prosperous, states of the NCR, populated by tough frontiersmen who trade Gecko Pelts, Farm Goods, and Bhramin with the Hub, choosing not to make waves, but at the same time, using its position in the fringes of NCR territory to its advantage, being close enough to have a say in how the Republic runs itself, yet far enough to retain a measure of semi-independence, which it uses to promote its own policies. While the Brahmin Barons maintain power in the state, it is much less than elsewhere in the NCR, due to competition from a rival bloc, that of the free peasant smallholdings situated along the frontier. These smallholdings, settled by veteran soldiers, were large enough to sustain said veteran soldiers and their arnament, but small enough not to count as an estate, and thus prevent the spectre of aristocracy. Not merely that, but whenever the Agri-Barons tried to buy out said farms, or try to take them over some other way, the veteran soldiers would either band together and gather money and resources to defy said Agri-Barons, or, if faced with continued pressure, threaten to take up arms. It also didn't help the Barons that the State Government was controlled by these frontierspeople and smallholders, and, though the Federal Government had allowed the Brahmin and Agri-Barons free rein in the amount of acerage and herds that they could have, the Klamath State Authority had other ways of preventing their expansion through the use of zoning laws, state citizenship requirements for tax breaks on goods that can be bought and sold, and other state laws and loopholes. This would have made Klamath disliked, if not for the fact that 1.) it was so distant, and 2.) the fact that it was economically unimportant to such places as the Hub, and 3.) the fact that Klamath kept the Gecko Pelts, Skin, and Meat flowing into the Hub, as well as other goods. It also didn't hurt that not only did the smallholders control the state militia, but they provided some of the bravest and most hardened volunteers for the NCR Army, especially in the Mojave Campaign. And it was said Mojave Campaign that provided the root of new frustrations. The people of Klamath did not object to expansion, per se; what they objected to was expansion for the benefit of a few people and interests. If there was any direction to expand, it should be [i]northward[/i], towards land empty of most inhabitants except for cannibals, where, despite the effects of radiation, many fertile places remained. Not merely that, but they also saw how corrupt the NCR had become, and while they would never entertain outright treason, they would, however, act on their own within the legal framework of the NCR. And so, the Northern Exapnsion plan was developed; Klamath will, using its own resources, but with the support of the NCR Government (acquired through their representatives in the Senate), expand North into Oregon... ...Taking not only the fertile lands there, but also the 14 Hydroelectric dams in the area, some of which should either be intact, or repairable. These would provide an alternative to Hoover Dam. An ambitious project, but even a partial success can raise Klamath's profile, and thus the power it can bring to bear in the NCR Federal Government, as well as help defend against the other states. Not merely that, but the smallholding system, if extended, would create a class of landed, free, and relatively wealthy peasants that can counteract the existing power blocs, and support further reforms in the Senate. Or so, it is assumed; but plans often go awry, even the best-laid ones.