Cassie put the cap onto her water bottle, tossing it onto one of the plane seats as she listened to his threat and walked over to him, putting her hands on her hips once again as she looked over at him, speaking in a tone that was rather mocking, as it was exactly what he had said to her earlier, "Is that all you got?" Shaking her head, she turned from him, flipping her blonde curls in his face as she did, and she walked over back toward some of the shelves her supplies were on, "You know ,that is a pretty weak threat. But then again, any kind of threat you could use would be weak considering all the damage you people have done." Reaching up, she pulled a can off of the shelf, examining it for a moment, "Your kind killed my family, destroyed the planet essentially, sent a plague to kill off all the remaining humans. Believe me, there isn't much you or 'the others' as you call them, could do to make my life any more worse than it already is." She put back that can and went to looking at another before nodding, deciding on her dinner. Once she had that in hand, she grabbed her can opener from one of her bags, as well as grabbed a plastic fork to eat her ravioli with, "So, as you see, whatever you decide won't matter. Though, if you do kill me, I suggest waiting until this storm is over. You wouldn't want to spend the night in a pane with a dead body after all. And believe me, this storm will last all night." She took a bite of her food and pointed back to the shelves with her thumb, "If you're hungry there's food and drink stocked up there. Obviously it won't be doing me any good after today." Another strike of lightening and thunder roared outside, to which she merely looked out the window and spoke non-nonchalantly, "Seems like it's getting worse. Wouldn't want to be out in that right now." She moved her gaze over to him and though it was barely noticeable, she could see the nervousness in his body language and raised an eyebrow at that, a grin on her face, speaking in a teasing manner, "What's the matter, scared a little storm." Only, after she said that, she realized that maybe he was really scared of the storm. Had he never seen a storm like this before? She had never really stopped to think about that. Where did the aliens go after they left Earth? Did they really stay in one of those hips of theirs all this time. It would make sense she supposed and would explain that worry written all over him, "Oh....oh wow, you really are scared of the storm aren't you?" She tilted her head to the side, watching him, "It's just water. Okay, and maybe thunder and lightening, but it's not going to hurt you. Unless you walk around with something that attracts electricity that is, but here inside the plane we're safe." Finishing up her can of food she tossed it into a bag that was meant for trash and walked over to her makeshift bed, kicking her boots off her feet before sitting cross legged on it, looking at him, "Storms are something normal here on earth, so if your staying a while you'll have to get used to it. It's just part of life here." She thought for a moment before speaking again, "If it helps, think of it as just the clouds playing bowling. When the lightening comes, that means they got a strike and the thunder is like them celebrating. But, probably don't know what bowling is....hmm...then how can I explain it in a way its not frightening...." She began thinking again, before she nodded to herself, "Okay, think of it like those huge ships of yours. Imagine standing here on earth and looking up at the sky. What you'd see first is the lights from the ship, but then a few seconds after, you'll hear the roar of it as well. Lightening and thunder are kind of like that. Does that make sense? Or....even help at all?" She shook her head and layed back on the makeshift bed, "Eh, who am I kidding. I'm talking to a bloodthirsty alien. You don't care about what I have to say. You probably weren't even listening to me."