Ancia rocked lightly side to side, one to keep warm in the cool breeze, but more prominent was sheer anticipation. She still couldn't completely believe what was happening, mainly a telepathic ferret had offered to grant her a single wish, also among other thing like hidden magical potential whatever that could mean. Really in the end Ancia had no idea what to think even coming to this meeting was insane, still she felt compelled to come anyway, plus she wasn't alone so perhaps there was something to this, right? Ancia looked over the other four "Sleeping Ones" two of them she had never seen before, obviously they were students just strangers to her. Now the other two she knew, or well at least knew their names, Felice Mayer and Ryan Kane. They shared a few classes with Anica so overtime its natural she'd learn at least the bare minimum. Felice from what Anice remembers is pretty normal, at least in class. One thing that could be said about her is she does seem spacey, lot of the time Ancia swears she's distracted or daydreaming. With Ryan, Ancia honestly didn't have an opinion, they never shared a conversation ever, plus he was a quite guy. Ancia returns her focus to what was going on, she wondered where Qubus was she assumed the sentient ferret would be here, instead there was this girl. To be honest with herself, she didn't like the looks of whoever this mysterious person was, really any extra mystery on top of what was already there not something exactly welcomed. Anice looked around didn't seem anyone was going to step forward, even that brown haired girl who seemed too excited to be a part of this. There was also that boy wearing some fancy clothing, if Anise had to guess the boy had to be wealthy, never even knew rich boys went to school with them, whatever the case is like the others he didn't seem about to speak up. She drew in a sharp breath, not much of a people person but that shouldn't be an excuse to not say anything. "Yeah I guess that's why we're here, I'm still not one hundred percent sure on what's going on, but I did come anyway. So how is this going to work?"