Felice was trying hard not to let her mind wonder off as she waited for this mysterious ferret to come grant her a wish an give her magical powers. It was fair to say that this was no easy task. While Felice had narrowed down what she wanted as a wish, it was so hard not to think of what sort of powers she would be getting. But she had to stay focus so when this Qubus ferret got there, she wouldn't seem like a spaced out idiot. So instead she focused on the people she had for company. She was actually surprised when she found people up on the roof, she was the third to come up. She at first thought she was interrupting something but found that they were waiting as well. At least that meant that she hadn't gotten so lost into one of her fantasies that she had actually believed it to happen. After that, two more had arrived, and out of those four, Felice only recognized two. The first was Ancia. Like most of the people she shared classes with, Felice was on good terms with Ancia and the two had had a few conversations together. If anything reinforced that this wasn't a fantasy gone to far for Felice, it was seeing Ancia here, since Ancia was probably one of the most focused, down to earth people that Felice knew. The other person that Felice recognized was Ryan. Felice had tried to become his friend a couple of times, and it wasn't that they didn't get along, it was more like he never really started a conversation and Felice's people skills kind of made her lose track of him. Perhaps now they could become better friends? The last two people she didn't recognize. One was a kind of handsome guy who dressed nicely, and the other was a short, brown haired girl that looked extra excited. And together, they all made a rather odd group. It made Felice wonder why they were all called together, it didn't seem like to her that they really had anything in common after all, other then all of them seemed similar in age. 'Well, maybe the answer was only to be known by a magical smart ferret.' Felice thought to herself. Then some random girl revealed herself to them. 'Huh, who's this?' Felice though quietly. 'Is she waiting on Qubus too? Or perhaps she knows Qubus already? Is this a magic knight as well? But if she is, why is she calling us fools? Maybe she didn't like her job? Or maybe her powers. Or maybe she made the wrong wish. Maybe...Maybe you're spacing out again.' Felice thought as she realized that and quickly shook her head, finally paying attention in time to hear Ancia speak up. "Uh, yeah, who are you? Do you work for Qubus? Is she around? Do you know how is this going to work? Is Qubus just going to say a spell that'll turn us into magical warriors, or is there some sort of training program that'll slowly turn us into them? Also how do our wishes work? Is Qubus just going to snap her fingers...paws?...and give it to us, or are we going to have to work for it first? And what about those magical powers, are well all going to get the same ones or are each of ours different or-." Felice closed her mouth when she realized she was rambling again. "Sorry."