Izumi Uchiha is one of the Jounin tasked to babysit the Jinchuuriki in this camp, as expected from belonging in a noble famiily. The Uchiha are known for subduing the likes of the hosts which is not an easy case for her. Lord Hokage has his ways but to gather the hosts? What is this all about? Apart from the training camp, the hosts are always the target of attraction to people who desire their power, Izumi thinks that gathering them in one place is stupid but orders are orders, don't overlook it too much. Perhaps being a former police makes you over think things into conspiracy theory but whatever, what;s done is done. It is time to put the cop days behind and enter a new era, Izumi sighed and remove her cloak. Takigakure is a hot place despite its vast mountains and waterfalls, lucky for her she wears the suitable outfit along with her jounin flack jacket, she heads to the designated location and saw a young boy with a strawhat. [b]"Good day. While waiting for the others, let's have a friendly game."[/b]