The Christmas daily is a little late, but to be fair, I was working on my first post (it looks a little snazzier now) and an IC post (which isn't finished yet but whatever). But, without further delay, here's what we've all been waiting for: The final daily, Day 22 of my Christmas advent/challenge thing! Every day until Christmas (which is today), I'll make a post featuring either the character from the Arcana assigned to the day (apologies in advance if I fuck up their personalities) or an event of my choosing if no relevant character exists for the Arcana. Arcanas are assigned numerically, as in Fool (0) was the fourth, and the World (21) is Christmas Day. Stories have no set theme and they have no minimum length (though technically I've been forcing myself to write at least 500 words for each). Today's arcana is the World, and it's Christmas Day! So I wrote that! And it's as shitty as always. I'm just so happy to be finished with this. Basic updates and schedule could have been found [url=]here[/url]! [hider=Day 22]Upon exiting the study, Sato’s eyes were greeted with the sight of various people scattered about the main room, passed out in interesting places and positions. He couldn’t remember who but someone had insisted that everyone crash here since it’d be a hassle getting home late at night in the heavy winter conditions. Sato was completely willing to trudge through the blizzard (his house wasn’t even that far away) but he didn’t want to risk being carried back in by Rokoru and any cohorts Leiko Hamada would hire to keep him there, so he had elected to hide away in the only non-bedroom room that he found to be unlocked, the study from last night. The chairs by the fireplace proved to be a decent place to fall asleep. Most immediately noticeable was Noboru, who somehow fell asleep while going up the stairs and had ended up sprawled across the stairs to the second floor. The sleeping boy’s body barred the stairs well enough that Sato didn’t even bother attempting to go upstairs and look for people (at least in his current drowsy state), though he was confident that anyone he couldn’t find was up there. After gently prodding Noboru’s face for a bit in a futile attempt to get him to move, Sato jumped down the few steps he had to climb and walked over to where two couches aligned around a table and TV was. On the first, larger couch was Alexai (glass of eggnog still somehow still in his hand and not spilt) with Rui for some reason on top of him. Leiko herself was asleep face-down on the second couch, with a glass still in hand, albeit all the liquid had spilled out onto the hard-wood floor presumably before she long ago due to the state of coagulation the liquid was in. Perhaps more interesting however, was the fact that Rokoru was sprawled out on the table without a shirt on. He didn’t seem asleep due to the groaning sounds that came from him, but Sato doubted the boy was exactly conscious and instead opted to quietly walk over to the kitchen, strangely but not shockingly finding more people asleep. Kami was asleep leaning against the fridge door, while Ayano was also out like a light by the wall directly opposite of said fridge. Kotori was, however, awake, with a probably fresh cup of coffee in hand. She sluggishly waved at Sato before returning to her hot drink, staring forward for no apparent reason. Sato turned on his heel to walk away, but before he did, the realization that [i]holy shit someone else is awake[/i] struck him and he pivoted back to face her. “What the hell happened here last night?” Sato asked, obvious disapproval in his tone. “Well… It all started when Rokoru recounted his story of playing strip archery, and of how he ended up getting rid of the boxers and continuing after you left, and then it got a little… strange after that. I fortunately was not there to experience the whole ‘show’, since I was helping Kami guard the fridge from people.” She recounted it slowly to the boy, who sighed after she finished talking. After a brief moment of registering the information, Sato opened his mouth to ask where everyone else was, though Kitori pointed up and replied with an “Upstairs.” before he could say it. Sato nodded to Kitori before waving good-bye and walking off to the front door, pulling on his coat when he got there. He turned around to take one last look at the monster of a “celebration” his peers had taken part in. Rokoru making concerning noises on the table, Alexai and Rui cuddling, Kitori taking an awfully long time to wake up, Noboru blocking the stairs… A feeling of satisfaction spread through him when he thought of how smart he was to avoid taking part in it all as he slammed the door shut behind him.[/hider]