Daniel continued his patch work on the electrical wiring, so far nothing has gone wrong and the SM was setting in correctly. After a few minutes Daniel breathed a sigh of relief, he was applying the last few drop of SM after the connection was complete again he dropped the SM application tool, and picked up what looked like a spray can, it was filled with quick hardening rubber, nothing with a fancy name. He sprayed the rubber over the newly formed wires, it was important to insulate the wires not for protection but to prevent any power from bleeding off. Last step was to close off the hole all together, Daniel didn't have time to make proper repairs so instead used some AVS to form a temporary seal. He gathered up his tools to store them in the toolbox, he looked over his repair job with sanctification a quick look at his VAE goggles showed that power was restored back to normal levels. Daniel spoke into his earpiece, "Right I've been able to fix power with no conflict, everything should be working order. Also Gunnos thanks for the assist out there, don't think I could have made it otherwise. Anyway I'm heading over the the bridge if anyone needs me." Daniel left the toolbox on the floor, they might need the supplies later when going over proper repairs. The last maybe half hour seemed unreal to him at this point with all the action and chaos, hardly what he expected for his first day at all. Daniel made his way to the bridge as he said, after another quick elevator ride he soon walked through the doors into the bridge proper. It didn't seem that the captain was there yet at least as far as Daniel could tell, he didn't even really know what their captain looked like anyway. Seemed he had to wait for sometime, Daniel leaned on a nearby wall without acknowledging anyone, he was far too tired to care in fact he wanted to make his way to the dorms soon as possible, but they weren't out of danger quite yet, plus he wanted to give a personal report of damages first as well.