[center][img]http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/45/53/52595345/photos/Official-Artwork-Cha/bestpiceever.bmp[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Kouta [b]Age:[/b] (22) [b]Race:[/b] Human with Mystic Ancestry [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Power Level:[/b] 75/400 [b][u]Stats[/u][/b] [b]Strength:[/b] 70 [b]Speed:[/b] 100 [b]Endurance:[/b] 80 [b]Ki:[/b] 150 [b][u]Techniques[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] All-Seeing Eye [b]Type:[/b] Enhancement [b]Description:[/b] The user's eyes glow with a mystical light, becoming attuned with their Ki. They enter a heightened state of awareness in which they can see and hear all around them with perfect accuracy. Their Ki sense also heightens, not only toward their surroundings but within themselves as well. In this state, the fighter can supposedly see all, through any illusion or deception. They also perceive incoming attacks at a much higher rate, allowing them to react with heightened speed and agility. His inward senses allow the fighter to launch his attacks at a fraction of their usual Ki, usually around half. This heightened state of awareness slowly drains the user's Ki as it remains active, eventually forcing them to revert from the state when most of their Ki has been used up. [b]Required Power Level:[/b] 100 [b]Name:[/b] Howling Strike [b]Type:[/b] Ki [b]Description:[/b] The user focuses a great amount of his Ki into a single point of his body with which he uses to strike down his enemy. This usually takes the a form of a single punch or kick intended to be used as a finishing blow. [b]Required Power Level:[/b] 250 [b]Name:[/b] Fangs of Death: Eight Points [b]Type:[/b] Combination [b]Description:[/b] The user strikes his enemy with weak, but precise, blows aimed for the target's pressure points. If used correctly, this can render the victim unable to use their limbs for a brief time. The power and accuracy of this technique is greatly enhanced when used in conjunction with the All-Seeing Eye. [b]Required Power Level:[/b] 250 [b]Personality:[/b] Kouta is a tough nut to crack. On the one hand, he has a sense of justice and will not hesitate to fight in the name of it. On the other hand, his tribe's philosophy was practically forced upon him during childhood and he spent some years trying to distance himself from it and the world it was a part of, only to be inevitably drawn back in. Regardless, Kouta tries to remain the voice of reason in most situations, using a calm and analytical approach to problem solving. He tends to apply this to battle as well, often taking time to allow his opponent a few attacks in order to properly analyze their skill and devise a strategy for defeating them. As far as he's concerned, all the strength in the world means nothing if you lack the wisdom to use it properly. [b]History:[/b] Kouta was born to the mysterious Shi-Long Tribe. Living in a remote forest, the Shi-Long Tribe were said to be descendents of ancient Mystics who were supposedly responsible for teaching early humans how to use Ki. In ancient times, the Mystics were said to wage war with Demons, who supposedly ruled most of the world at the time. Outnumbered by the Demons, the Mystics decided to teach humans how to use Ki in order to gain an ally in their fight. From this, they allegedly defeated the Demons and banished most of them to the Makai Realm. The Mystics who fought alongside the humans stayed among them, and formed a union that eventually became the Shi-Long Tribe of today. The Shi-Long Tribe are, for the most part, demon hunters who search the world for stray Demons and other evil entities that have yet to be dealt with using the techniques taught to their ancestors by the Mystics. Their signature technique, the All-Seeing Eye, is the key to their success at tracking down Demons and piercing their deceptions. Kouta himself grew up on these stories and legends, spent his childhood training in the martial arts and learning the sacred techniques of the tribe. But something about it just felt empty to him. Kouta found himself having no real aspiration for hunting demons and in his late teens he left the tribe, seeking to live a normal life in one of the cities. But destiny has a nasty habit of catching up to those who try to ignore its call. One night, while Kouta and his then-girlfriend Shino were sleeping, a demon appeared and murdered Shino, mistaking her for a demon hunter, meaning his intended target was Kouta. Grief-stricken and guilt-ridden, Kouta returned to Shi-Long village only to find it burned to the ground. Apparently a powerful Demon had attacked the village, exterminating its residents and then tracked down Kouta only to kill the wrong target. The last of his breed now, Kouta began wandering the world in search of the Demon responsible for attacking the village and murdering Shino. And while he was at it, he decided to go ahead and hunt down anything else that needed killing, vowing to never let anyone be victimized again.[/center]